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#Mixer File Format This document attempts to provide sufficient information to write a verifier for our mixnet implementation.
High-Level Overview.
The mixer implements Abe's Permutation-network-based mix. The on-disk format of the mixer's output consists of a sequence of protobif messages, written using their writeDelimitedTo() method:
- A MixBatchHeader message containing the number of switch layers and the number of ciphertexts in each layer (where the latter is given as the base-2 log of the number, since the actual number must be a power of 2).
- A matrix of ciphertext messages. The matrix is given column by column; the total number of columns is the number of layers + 1 (the first column is the input to the mix, and the final column is the output). The first message in the sequence is ciphertext 0 in column 0, then ciphertext 1 in layer 0, finally ending with ciphertext
in columnlayers
. - A matrix of proofs for each 2x2 switch. The matrix is given column by column; the total number of columns is the number of layers. The first message in the matrix sequence is switch 0 in column 0, then switch 1 in column 0, finally ending with switch
in columnlayers-1
For future compatibility, each ciphertext actually written to disk is encoded as an "opaque" RerandomizableEncryptedMessage. The data field of this message contains the serialized ElGamalCiphertext message (see below).
EC-ElGamal Ciphertexts
Ciphertexts are serialized using the ElGamalCiphertext message, with fields "c1" and "c2" for the first and second group elements.
EC Group elements
Group elements use the GroupElement message. Its only field is "data", which should be an ASN.1-encoded curve point with compression (see section 4.3.6 of X9.62-1998 "Public Key Cryptography For The Financial Services Industry: The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)")
EC-ElGamal Key Format
The ECElGamal Key is stored in the ElGamalPublicKey message that contains a standard DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo as in RFC 3279 (note that this encoding includes the elliptic-curve group parameters).
Each mixing proof is a serialized Mix2Proof message. This consists of a firstMessage field (containing the first message of the Sigma protocol) and a finalMessage field(containing the final message of the Sigma protocol). The challenge is derived from the serialized form of the firstMessage field by hashing (see Fiat-Shamir below for the hash algorithm), a finalMessage field and a location field (see Location below).
Proof Statement
The proof statement itself is a disjunction of two conjunctions of Schnorr proofs for discrete-log equivalence, constructed from the ciphertexts. Let g
be the group generator and h
the ElGamal public key. Given input ciphertexts a=(a_1,a_2)
and output ciphertexts c=(c_1,c_2)
and d=(d_1,d_2)
, the statement proved is:
(\log_g \frac{c_1}{a_1} = \log_h\frac{c_2}{a_2})\text{ AND } (\log_g \frac{d_1}{b_1} = \log_h\frac{d_2}{b_2}) \\
(\log_g \frac{d_1}{a_1} = \log_h\frac{d_2}{a_2}) \text{ AND } (\log_g \frac{c_1}{b_1} = \log_h\frac{c_2}{b_2})
The firstMessage and finalMessage fields are generated using the sigma-protocol disjunction composition of the sigma protocols for the two conjuction statements, and those in turn are generated using the sigma-protocol conjunction statement of the basic Schnorr proofs (more details in the protobuf file).
The location field gives the layer number (column) and switchIdx (index within the column) for the 2x2 switch which this proof references. The input ciphertexts to switch s
in layer i
are in positions 2s
, 2s+1
in column i
of the ciphertext matrix. The indices of the output ciphertexts in column i+1
are given in the location field (out0 is the index of the first output ciphertext and out1 the second).
Integers are serialized using the BigInteger protobuf message, whose data field contains the integer encoded as in Java's BigInteger.toByteArray() method.
Fiat-Shamir "Random Oracle"
The Fiat-Shamir heuristic uses a "random oracle". We use the following java code as the implementation of the oracle.
public BigInteger hash(byte[] input) {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
byte[] digest = md.digest(input);
return new BigInteger(1,digest);
Note that our Sigma-protocols use Integers as a challenge, so the random oracle returns a BigInteger. The input to the oracle is always a protobuf Message; we convert it to a byte array using its toByteArray() method.
The Mixer Command-line Utility
The Mixer application can generate keys, encrypt, mix, verify and decrypt. The jar file can be run using "java -jar mixer.jar"
java -jar mixer.jar -h
To get a summary of command line options.
Generate a new Key-Pair
java -jar mixer.jar -g -k ecelgamal.key
Generates the keys in the file ecelgamal.key
Encrypt some plaintexts
(run after generating keys)
java -jar mixer.jar -k ecelgamal.key -e -i infile.txt -o outfile.enc
infile.txt should consist of multiple lines; each line is used as a plaintext. If you get a warning message about inputs being truncated, you must ensure the longest line is shorter than about 20 chars (each plaintext must fit into a single group element, and there is some extra protobuf overhead)
outfile.enc will contain a 0-layer mixnet (i.e., a single column of ciphertexts). The plaintexts will be padded with empty lines to the nearest power of two.
Run the mix network
(run after encrypting some plaintexts)
java -jar mixer.jar -k ecelgamal.key -i outfile.enc -o mixed.enc
mixed.enc will contain the mixnet output including proofs.
Verify the mix
java -jar mixer.jar -k ecelgamal.key -i mixed.enc
This doesn't write output. You can add the "-s" flag for strict verification; strict verification checks that the Benes network structure matches our implementation exactly (otherwise the verifier just ensures that the output is a permutation of the input).
Decrypt the output
java -jar mixer.jar -k ecelgamal.key -d -i mixed.enc -o decrypted.txt