plugins { id "us.kirchmeier.capsule" version "1.0.2" id '' version '0.8.1' } apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'eclipse' apply plugin: 'idea' apply plugin: 'maven-publish' // Uncomment the lines below to define an application // (this will also allow you to build a "fatCapsule" which includes // the entire application, including all dependencies in a single jar) //apply plugin: 'application' //mainClassName='your.main.ApplicationClass' // Is this a snapshot version? ext { isSnapshot = false } ext { groupId = 'org.factcenter.meerkat' nexusRepository = "${isSnapshot ? 'unstable' : 'public'}/" // Credentials for IDC nexus repositories (needed only for using unstable repositories and publishing) // Should be set in ${HOME}/.gradle/ // Credentials for publishing repositories publishRepository = "${project.isSnapshot ? 'snapshots' : 'releases'}" publishUser = project.hasProperty('publishUser') ?'publishUser') : "" publishPassword = project.hasProperty('publishPassword') ?'publishPassword') : "" } description = "TODO: Add a description" // Your project version version = "0.0" version += "${isSnapshot ? '-SNAPSHOT' : ''}" dependencies { // Meerkat common compile project(':meerkat-common') // Logging compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.7' runtime 'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.1.2' runtime 'ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.1.2' // Google protobufs compile '' testCompile 'junit:junit:4.+' runtime 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:2.4.+' } /*==== You probably don't have to edit below this line =======*/ // Setup test configuration that can appear as a dependency in // other subprojects configurations { testOutput.extendsFrom (testCompile) } task testJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: testClasses) { classifier = 'tests' from sourceSets.test.output } artifacts { testOutput testJar } // The run task added by the application plugin // is also of type JavaExec. tasks.withType(JavaExec) { // Assign all Java system properties from // the command line to the JavaExec task. systemProperties } protobuf { // Configure the protoc executable protoc { // Download from repositories artifact = '' } } idea { module { project.sourceSets.each { sourceSet -> def srcDir = "${protobuf.generatedFilesBaseDir}/$" println "Adding $srcDir" // add protobuf generated sources to generated source dir. if ("test".equals( { testSourceDirs += file(srcDir) } else { sourceDirs += file(srcDir) } generatedSourceDirs += file(srcDir) } // Don't exclude build directory excludeDirs -= file(buildDir) } } /*=================================== * "Fat" Build targets *===================================*/ if (project.hasProperty('mainClassName') && (mainClassName != null)) { task mavenCapsule(type: MavenCapsule) { description = "Generate a capsule jar that automatically downloads and caches dependencies when run." applicationClass mainClassName destinationDir = buildDir } task fatCapsule(type: FatCapsule) { description = "Generate a single capsule jar containing everything. Use -Pfatmain=... to override main class" destinationDir = buildDir def fatMain if (this.hasProperty('fatmain')) { fatMain = fatmain appendix = "fat-${fatMain}" } else { fatMain = mainClassName appendix = "fat" } applicationClass fatMain def testJar = this.hasProperty('test') if (testJar) { from sourceSets.test.output } } } /*=================================== * Repositories *===================================*/ repositories { // Use local maven repository mavenLocal() // Use 'maven central' for other dependencies. mavenCentral() } task "info" { doLast { println "Project: ${}" println "Description: ${project.description}" println "--------------------------" println "GroupId: $groupId" println "Version: $version (${isSnapshot ? 'snapshot' : 'release'})" println "" } } info.description 'Print some information about project parameters' /*=================================== * Publishing *===================================*/ publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { groupId project.groupId pom.withXml { asNode().appendNode('description', project.description) } from } } repositories { maven { url publishRepository credentials { username password username publishUser password publishPassword } } } }