Compare commits
19 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | e75317efa9 | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 5971e8c16e | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | de835a8c13 | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 109135ae1b | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 7734ba8c91 | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 8546a347ca | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 65bc8bc160 | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 36d94b41ab | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 87e8ad9470 | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 717c2e6e65 | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 51b9f9decd | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 05871a2ea7 | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 070b851203 | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 4aa6c25c0f | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 84555f0639 | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 42bc35cbe8 | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | f9d7b4b1ce | |
Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev | 25eefc4b16 | |
Arbel Deutsch Peled | a12685d757 |
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
plugins {
id "us.kirchmeier.capsule" version "1.0.1"
id '' version '0.7.0'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
// Is this a snapshot version?
ext { isSnapshot = false }
ext {
groupId = 'org.factcenter.meerkat'
nexusRepository = "${isSnapshot ? 'unstable' : 'public'}/"
// Credentials for IDC nexus repositories (needed only for using unstable repositories and publishing)
// Should be set in ${HOME}/.gradle/
nexusUser = project.hasProperty('nexusUser') ?'nexusUser') : ""
nexusPassword = project.hasProperty('nexusPassword') ?'nexusPassword') : ""
description = "Meerkat Bulletin Board Client implementation"
// Your project version
version = "0.0"
version += "${isSnapshot ? '-SNAPSHOT' : ''}"
dependencies {
// Meerkat common
compile project(':meerkat-common')
compile project(':restful-api-common')
// Jersey for RESTful API
compile 'org.glassfish.jersey.containers:jersey-container-servlet:2.22.+'
compile 'org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:3.7.+'
// Logging
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.7'
runtime 'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.1.2'
runtime 'ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.1.2'
// Google protobufs
compile ''
// Crypto
compile 'org.factcenter.qilin:qilin:1.1+'
compile 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.53'
compile 'org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.53'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.+'
testCompile 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest-all:1.3'
runtime 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:2.4.+'
test {
exclude '**/*IntegrationTest*'
task integrationTest(type: Test) {
include '**/*IntegrationTest*'
// debug = true
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
/*==== You probably don't have to edit below this line =======*/
// Setup test configuration that can appear as a dependency in
// other subprojects
configurations {
testOutput.extendsFrom (testCompile)
task testJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: testClasses) {
classifier = 'tests'
from sourceSets.test.output
artifacts {
testOutput testJar
// The run task added by the application plugin
// is also of type JavaExec.
tasks.withType(JavaExec) {
// Assign all Java system properties from
// the command line to the JavaExec task.
protobuf {
// Configure the protoc executable
protoc {
// Download from repositories
artifact = ''
idea {
module {
project.sourceSets.each { sourceSet ->
def srcDir = "${protobuf.generatedFilesBaseDir}/$"
// add protobuf generated sources to generated source dir.
if ("test".equals( {
testSourceDirs += file(srcDir)
} else {
sourceDirs += file(srcDir)
generatedSourceDirs += file(srcDir)
// Don't exclude build directory
excludeDirs -= file(buildDir)
* "Fat" Build targets
if (project.hasProperty('mainClassName') && (mainClassName != null)) {
task mavenCapsule(type: MavenCapsule) {
description = "Generate a capsule jar that automatically downloads and caches dependencies when run."
applicationClass mainClassName
destinationDir = buildDir
task fatCapsule(type: FatCapsule) {
description = "Generate a single capsule jar containing everything. Use -Pfatmain=... to override main class"
destinationDir = buildDir
def fatMain = hasProperty('fatmain') ? fatmain : mainClassName
applicationClass fatMain
def testJar = hasProperty('test')
if (hasProperty('fatmain')) {
appendix = "fat-${fatMain}"
} else {
appendix = "fat"
if (testJar) {
from sourceSets.test.output
* Repositories
repositories {
// Prefer the local nexus repository (it may have 3rd party artifacts not found in mavenCentral)
maven {
url nexusRepository
if (isSnapshot) {
credentials { username
username nexusUser
password nexusPassword
// Use 'maven central' for other dependencies.
task "info" << {
println "Project: ${}"
println "Description: ${project.description}"
println "--------------------------"
println "GroupId: $groupId"
println "Version: $version (${isSnapshot ? 'snapshot' : 'release'})"
println ""
info.description 'Print some information about project parameters'
* Publishing
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
groupId project.groupId
pom.withXml {
asNode().appendNode('description', project.description)
repositories {
maven {
url "${project.isSnapshot ? 'snapshots' : 'releases'}"
credentials { username
username nexusUser
password nexusPassword
@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ include 'bulletin-board-server'
include 'polling-station'
include 'restful-api-common'
include 'bulletin-board-client'
include 'voter-registry'
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
plugins {
id "us.kirchmeier.capsule" version "1.0.1"
id '' version '0.7.0'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
// Uncomment the lines below to define an application
// (this will also allow you to build a "fatCapsule" which includes
// the entire application, including all dependencies in a single jar)
//apply plugin: 'application'
// Is this a snapshot version?
ext { isSnapshot = false }
ext {
groupId = 'org.factcenter.meerkat'
nexusRepository = "${isSnapshot ? 'unstable' : 'public'}/"
// Credentials for IDC nexus repositories (needed only for using unstable repositories and publishing)
// Should be set in ${HOME}/.gradle/
nexusUser = project.hasProperty('nexusUser') ?'nexusUser') : ""
nexusPassword = project.hasProperty('nexusPassword') ?'nexusPassword') : ""
description = "Meerkat Voter SimpleRegistry application"
// Your project version
version = "0.0"
version += "${isSnapshot ? '-SNAPSHOT' : ''}"
dependencies {
// Meerkat common
compile project(':meerkat-common')
compile project(':bulletin-board-client')
// Logging
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.7'
runtime 'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.1.2'
runtime 'ch.qos.logback:logback-core:1.1.2'
// Google protobufs
compile ''
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.+'
runtime 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:2.4.+'
/*==== You probably don't have to edit below this line =======*/
protobuf {
// Configure the protoc executable
protoc {
// Download from repositories
artifact = ''
idea {
module {
project.sourceSets.each { sourceSet ->
def srcDir = "${protobuf.generatedFilesBaseDir}/$"
// add protobuf generated sources to generated source dir.
if ("test".equals( {
testSourceDirs += file(srcDir)
} else {
sourceDirs += file(srcDir)
generatedSourceDirs += file(srcDir)
// Don't exclude build directory
excludeDirs -= file(buildDir)
* "Fat" Build targets
if (project.hasProperty('mainClassName') && (mainClassName != null)) {
task mavenCapsule(type: MavenCapsule) {
description = "Generate a capsule jar that automatically downloads and caches dependencies when run."
applicationClass mainClassName
destinationDir = buildDir
task fatCapsule(type: FatCapsule) {
description = "Generate a single capsule jar containing everything. Use -Pfatmain=... to override main class"
destinationDir = buildDir
def fatMain = hasProperty('fatmain') ? fatmain : mainClassName
applicationClass fatMain
def testJar = hasProperty('test')
if (hasProperty('fatmain')) {
appendix = "fat-${fatMain}"
} else {
appendix = "fat"
if (testJar) {
from sourceSets.test.output
* Repositories
repositories {
// Prefer the local nexus repository (it may have 3rd party artifacts not found in mavenCentral)
maven {
url nexusRepository
if (isSnapshot) {
credentials { username
username nexusUser
password nexusPassword
// Use local maven repository
// Use 'maven central' for other dependencies.
task "info" << {
println "Project: ${}"
println "Description: ${project.description}"
println "--------------------------"
println "GroupId: $groupId"
println "Version: $version (${isSnapshot ? 'snapshot' : 'release'})"
println ""
info.description 'Print some information about project parameters'
* Publishing
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
groupId project.groupId
pom.withXml {
asNode().appendNode('description', project.description)
repositories {
maven {
url "${project.isSnapshot ? 'snapshots' : 'releases'}"
credentials { username
username nexusUser
password nexusPassword
@ -0,0 +1 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
package meerkat;
import meerkat.ProtobufsMessages.BasicMessage;
import meerkat.ProtobufsMessages.Tag;
import meerkat.bulletinboard.SimpleBulletinBoardClient;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.crypto.Encryption;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI;
import meerkat.protobuf.Crypto;
import util.AccurateTimestamp;
import util.CollectionMessagesUtils;
import util.RegistryTags;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.*;
* Created by Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev on 1/8/2016.
* Gives the ability to manage voters information
public class SimpleRegistry {
protected Encryption signatory;
protected SimpleBulletinBoardClient communicator;
public SimpleRegistry(Encryption signatory, SimpleBulletinBoardClient communicator) {
this.signatory = signatory;
this.communicator = communicator;
private Tag.Builder[] GetTagsArrayInLength(int length) {
Tag.Builder[] tags = new Tag.Builder[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
tags[i] = Tag.newBuilder();
return tags;
* Creates BulletinBoardMessage with signed basicMessage and UnsignedBulletinBoardMessage that contains the basic message
* @param basicMessage BasicMessage
* @return BulletinBoardAPI.BulletinBoardMessage
private BulletinBoardAPI.BulletinBoardMessage CreateBulletinBoardMessage(BasicMessage basicMessage) throws IOException {
BulletinBoardAPI.BulletinBoardMessage.Builder bulletinBoardMessage =
Crypto.RerandomizableEncryptedMessage encryptedMessage =
signatory.encrypt(basicMessage, signatory.generateRandomness(new Random()));
Crypto.Signature.Builder messageSignature = Crypto.Signature.newBuilder();
BulletinBoardAPI.UnsignedBulletinBoardMessage.Builder unsignedBulletinBoardMessage =
* Gets messages that have the wanted id tag and have or the ADD_TO_GROUP_TAG or REMOVE_FROM_GROUP_TAG
* @param tags the tags based on which the messages will be filtered
* @return List<BulletinBoardAPI.BulletinBoardMessage>
private List<BulletinBoardAPI.BulletinBoardMessage> GetRelevantMessages(List<Tag> tags) {
BulletinBoardAPI.MessageFilterList.Builder filters =
for (Tag tag : tags) {
BulletinBoardAPI.MessageFilter.Builder idFilter =
return communicator.readMessages(;
* Gets Relevant bulletinBoard messages from communicator than converts them to VoterRegistryMessages
* @param tags list of tags that will be used as filters
* @return List<VoterRegistryMessage>
private List<VoterRegistryMessage> GetRelevantVoterRegistryMessages(List<Tag> tags) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
List<BulletinBoardAPI.BulletinBoardMessage> relevantMessages = GetRelevantMessages(tags);
List<BasicMessage> messages = CollectionMessagesUtils.GetBasicMessagesFromBulletinBoardMessages(relevantMessages);
List<VoterRegistryMessage> voterRegistryMessages = CollectionMessagesUtils.ConvertToVoterRegistryMessages(messages);
return voterRegistryMessages;
* Adds new voter to the bulletin-board
* @param voterID
* @param personalData for example residence location
* @return void
* @throws throws CommunicationException
public void AddVoter(String voterID, String personalData) throws CommunicationException, IOException {
Tag.Builder[] tags = GetTagsArrayInLength(3);
tags[0].setContent(RegistryTags.ID_TAG + " " + voterID);
tags[2].setContent(RegistryTags.ACTION_TIMESTAMP_TAG + " " + AccurateTimestamp.GetCurrentTimestampString());
BasicMessage.Builder basicMessage = BasicMessage.newBuilder().addTag(tags[0]).addTag(tags[1]).addTag(tags[1]);
* Adding given voter to given group
* @param voterID
* @param groupID
* @return true if the adding action succeeded else return false
* @throws CommunicationException
public void AddToGroup(String voterID, String groupID) throws CommunicationException, IOException {
Tag.Builder[] tags = GetTagsArrayInLength(4);
tags[0].setContent(RegistryTags.ID_TAG + " " + voterID);
tags[1].setContent(RegistryTags.GROUP_ID_TAG + " " + groupID);
tags[2].setContent(RegistryTags.GROUP_ACTION_TAG + " " + RegistryTags.ADD_TO_GROUP_TAG);
tags[3].setContent(RegistryTags.ACTION_TIMESTAMP_TAG + " " + AccurateTimestamp.GetCurrentTimestampString());
BasicMessage.Builder basicMessage =
* Removes given voter from given group
* @param voterID
* @param groupID
* @return true if the removing action succeeded else return false
* @throws CommunicationException
public void RemoveFromGroup(String voterID, String groupID) throws CommunicationException, IOException {
Tag.Builder[] tags = GetTagsArrayInLength(4);
tags[0].setContent(RegistryTags.ID_TAG + " " + voterID);
tags[1].setContent(RegistryTags.GROUP_ID_TAG + " " + groupID);
tags[2].setContent(RegistryTags.GROUP_ACTION_TAG + " " + RegistryTags.REMOVE_FROM_GROUP_TAG);
tags[3].setContent(RegistryTags.ACTION_TIMESTAMP_TAG + " " + AccurateTimestamp.GetCurrentTimestampString());
BasicMessage.Builder basicMessage =
* Sets that the voter have voted
* @param id id tag string
* @return true if the set voted succeded else false
* @throws CommunicationException
public void AddVoter(String id) throws CommunicationException, IOException {
Tag.Builder[] tags = GetTagsArrayInLength(3);
tags[0].setContent(RegistryTags.ID_TAG + " " + id);
tags[2].setContent(RegistryTags.ACTION_TIMESTAMP_TAG + " " + AccurateTimestamp.GetCurrentTimestampString());
BasicMessage.Builder basicMessage = BasicMessage.newBuilder().addTag(tags[0]).addTag(tags[1]).addTag(tags[2]);
* Requests all the groups that the given id voter is in
* @param id id tag string
* @return list of groups ids (or names), if the method fails its empty
* @throws CommunicationException, InvalidProtocolBufferException
public List<String> GetGroups(String id) throws CommunicationException, InvalidProtocolBufferException {
List<Tag> GroupsActionsTags = new ArrayList<Tag>();
GroupsActionsTags.add(Tag.newBuilder().setContent(RegistryTags.ID_TAG + " " + id).build());
GroupsActionsTags.add(Tag.newBuilder().setContent(RegistryTags.GROUP_ACTION_TAG + " " + RegistryTags.REMOVE_FROM_GROUP_TAG).build());
GroupsActionsTags.add(Tag.newBuilder().setContent(RegistryTags.GROUP_ACTION_TAG + " " + RegistryTags.ADD_TO_GROUP_TAG).build());
List<VoterRegistryMessage> voterRegistryMessages = GetRelevantVoterRegistryMessages(GroupsActionsTags);
try {
Map<String, VoterRegistryMessage> groupIdToMessage = CollectionMessagesUtils.GetLatestGroupsActions(voterRegistryMessages);
return CollectionMessagesUtils.GetListOfGroupIds(groupIdToMessage);
} catch (ParseException e) {
return null;
* Retrieves list of strings that represents voter
* @param id id tag string
* @return list of strings (empty list if the lookup failed)
* @throws CommunicationException
public List<String> GetPersonIDDetails(String id) throws CommunicationException, InvalidProtocolBufferException, ParseException {
List<Tag> GroupsActionsTags = new ArrayList<Tag>();
GroupsActionsTags.add(Tag.newBuilder().setContent(RegistryTags.ID_TAG + " " + id).build());
List<VoterRegistryMessage> voterRegistryMessages = GetRelevantVoterRegistryMessages(GroupsActionsTags);
VoterRegistryMessage LatestMessage = voterRegistryMessages.get(0);
for (VoterRegistryMessage message : voterRegistryMessages) {
if (message.GetBasicMessageActionTimestamp().before(LatestMessage.GetBasicMessageActionTimestamp())) {
LatestMessage = message;
return Arrays.asList(LatestMessage.GetWantedTagFromBasicMessage(RegistryTags.ID_TAG), LatestMessage.base.getData().toString());
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package meerkat;
import util.AccurateTimestamp;
import util.RegistryTags;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.ParseException;
* Created by Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev on 1/15.2016
* this class wraps BasicMessage and gives the ability to find wanted tags
public class VoterRegistryMessage {
public ProtobufsMessages.BasicMessage base;
public VoterRegistryMessage(ProtobufsMessages.BasicMessage message){
base = ProtobufsMessages.BasicMessage.newBuilder().addAllTag(message.getTagList()).build();
* Gets the wanted tag from given basic message
* @param tagName
* @return string
public String GetWantedTagFromBasicMessage(RegistryTags tagName){
for (ProtobufsMessages.Tag tag : base.getTagList()) {
if ( tag.getContent().contains(tagName.toString())) {
return tag.getContent();
return null;
* Gets the timestamp of the tag adding
* @return Timestamp
* @throws ParseException
public Timestamp GetBasicMessageActionTimestamp() throws ParseException {
for (ProtobufsMessages.Tag tag : base.getTagList()) {
if ( tag.getContent().contains(RegistryTags.ACTION_TIMESTAMP_TAG.toString())) {
String[] tagParts = tag.getContent().split(" ");
String timestamp = tagParts[tagParts.length - 1];
return AccurateTimestamp.GetTimestampFromString(timestamp);
return null;
* Checks if the given message have the ADD_TO_GROUP_TAG
* @return
public boolean IsGroupAdding() {
for (ProtobufsMessages.Tag tag : base.getTagList()) {
if ( tag.getContent().contains(RegistryTags.ADD_TO_GROUP_TAG.toString())) {
return true;
return false;
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package util;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
* Created by Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev on 1/15/2016.
* converts time stamps to strings and the other way
public abstract class AccurateTimestamp {
private static final String DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS";
* Converts current timestamp to string
* @return
public static String GetCurrentTimestampString(){
return new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(new java.util.Date());
* Convets string timesta,p tp java.sql.timestamp
* @param timestamp string
* @return
* @throws ParseException
public static java.sql.Timestamp GetTimestampFromString(String timestamp) throws ParseException {
Date date = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).parse(timestamp);
return new Timestamp(date.getTime());
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
package util;
import meerkat.ProtobufsMessages;
import meerkat.VoterRegistryMessage;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Created by Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev on 1/15/2016.
* adds extra functionality to Messages collections
public abstract class CollectionMessagesUtils {
* Converts lost of BasicMessages to VoterRegistryMessags
* @param messages list<BasicMessages>
* @return List<VoterRegistryMessage>
public static List<VoterRegistryMessage> ConvertToVoterRegistryMessages(List<ProtobufsMessages.BasicMessage> messages){
List<VoterRegistryMessage> voterRegistryMessages = new ArrayList<VoterRegistryMessage>();
for (ProtobufsMessages.BasicMessage message : messages){
voterRegistryMessages.add(new VoterRegistryMessage(message));
return voterRegistryMessages;
* Gets map of GroupId to basicMessage, where the basicMessages are the last actions for those groups
* @param messages List<BasicMessages>
* @return Map<String, VoterRegistryMessage>
* @throws ParseException
public static Map<String, VoterRegistryMessage> GetLatestGroupsActions(List<VoterRegistryMessage> messages) throws ParseException {
Map<String, VoterRegistryMessage> groupIdToMessage = new HashMap<String, VoterRegistryMessage>();
// iterate trough all the messages and put into the map the last updated groups actions
for (int i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) {
String groupId = messages.get(i).GetWantedTagFromBasicMessage(RegistryTags.GROUP_ID_TAG);
VoterRegistryMessage temp = groupIdToMessage.get(groupId);
if (temp != null) {
if (temp != messages.get(i)) {
if (temp.GetBasicMessageActionTimestamp().before(messages.get(i).GetBasicMessageActionTimestamp())) {
groupIdToMessage.put(groupId, messages.get(i));
return groupIdToMessage;
* Gets list of groups ids of the basicMessages that carried the adding to group tag
* @param groupIdToMessage Map<String, BasicMessage>
* @return List<String>
public static List<String> GetListOfGroupIds(Map<String, VoterRegistryMessage> groupIdToMessage) {
List<String> groupsIds = new ArrayList<String>();
for (VoterRegistryMessage message : groupIdToMessage.values()) {
if (message.IsGroupAdding()) {
String groupId = message.GetWantedTagFromBasicMessage(RegistryTags.GROUP_ID_TAG);
return groupsIds;
* Gets all the basic messages from bulletin board messages
* @param listOfMessages
* @return List<BasicMessage> G
* @throws InvalidProtocolBufferException
public static final List<ProtobufsMessages.BasicMessage> GetBasicMessagesFromBulletinBoardMessages(
List<BulletinBoardAPI.BulletinBoardMessage> listOfMessages) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
List<ProtobufsMessages.BasicMessage> basicMessages = new ArrayList<ProtobufsMessages.BasicMessage>();
for (BulletinBoardAPI.BulletinBoardMessage bulletinBoardMessage : listOfMessages){
ProtobufsMessages.BasicMessage.Builder basicMessage =
return basicMessages;
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package util;
* Created by Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev on 1/9/2016.
* Have the tags for the registry messages
public enum RegistryTags {
VOTER_ENTRY_TAG("Voter Entry"),
GROUP_ID_TAG("Group ID:"),
GROUP_ACTION_TAG("Group Action:"),
REMOVE_FROM_GROUP_TAG("Remove From Group"),
ADD_TO_GROUP_TAG("Add To Group"),
ACTION_TIMESTAMP_TAG("Action timestamp: "),
VOTE_ACTION_TAG("Vote Action");
private final String text;
RegistryTags(final String text){
this.text = text;
public String toString(){
return text;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package meerkat;
option java_outer_classname = "ProtobufsMessages";
message Tag {
required string content = 1;
message BasicMessage {
repeated Tag tag = 1;
optional bytes data = 2;
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import junit.framework.TestCase;
* Created by Vladimir Eliezer Tokarev on 1/16/2016.
* Tests the Simple Registry contents
public class SimpleRegistryTest extends TestCase{
* Initialize SimpleRegistry object
public void setUp(){
* Test that add voter creates new correct bulletin board message and add the voter
public void testAddVoter(){
* Test that set voted posts creates correct bulletin board message and sets that the user have been voted
public void testSetVoted(){
* Test that add to group creates correct bulletin board message and adds a user to a group
public void testAddToGroup(){
* Test that remove from group creates correct bulletin board message and removes the user from a group
public void testRemoveFromGroup(){
* Test that get groups retrieves the right groups the user are in
public void testGetGroups(){
* Test that the personal data outputted about the user is right
public void testGetPersonalIDDetails(){
Reference in New Issue