Merge branch 'master' into Voter-Registry
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ ext {
nexusPassword = project.hasProperty('nexusPassword') ?'nexusPassword') : ""
description = "Meerkat Bulletin Board Client implementation"
description = "Meerkat Voting Common Library"
// Your project version
version = "0.0"
@ -55,6 +55,12 @@ dependencies {
compile 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.53'
compile 'org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.53'
// Depend on test resources from meerkat-common
testCompile project(path: ':meerkat-common', configuration: 'testOutput')
// Depend on server compilation for the non-integration tests
testCompile project(path: ':bulletin-board-server')
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.+'
testCompile 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest-all:1.3'
@ -63,6 +69,7 @@ dependencies {
test {
exclude '**/*IntegrationTest*'
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
task integrationTest(type: Test) {
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.*;
import meerkat.protobuf.Voting.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
* Created by Arbel Deutsch Peled on 03-Mar-16.
* This is a full-fledged implementation of a Bulletin Board Client
* It provides asynchronous access to several remote servers, as well as a local cache
* Read/write operations are performed on the local server
* After any read is carried out, a subscription is made for the specific query to make sure the local DB will be updated
* The database also employs a synchronizer which makes sure local data is sent to the remote servers
public class CachedBulletinBoardClient implements SubscriptionAsyncBulletinBoardClient {
private final BulletinBoardClient localClient;
private AsyncBulletinBoardClient remoteClient;
private BulletinBoardSubscriber subscriber;
private final int threadPoolSize;
private final long failDelayInMilliseconds;
private final long subscriptionIntervalInMilliseconds;
public CachedBulletinBoardClient(BulletinBoardClient localClient,
int threadPoolSize,
long failDelayInMilliseconds,
long subscriptionIntervalInMilliseconds)
throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
this.localClient = localClient;
this.threadPoolSize = threadPoolSize;
this.failDelayInMilliseconds = failDelayInMilliseconds;
this.subscriptionIntervalInMilliseconds = subscriptionIntervalInMilliseconds;
remoteClient = new ThreadedBulletinBoardClient();
public MessageID postMessage(BulletinBoardMessage msg, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
return null;
public MessageID postBatch(CompleteBatch completeBatch, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
return null;
public void beginBatch(BeginBatchMessage beginBatchMessage, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
public void postBatchData(byte[] signerId, int batchId, List<BatchData> batchDataList, int startPosition, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
public void postBatchData(byte[] signerId, int batchId, List<BatchData> batchDataList, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
public void postBatchData(ByteString signerId, int batchId, List<BatchData> batchDataList, int startPosition, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
public void postBatchData(ByteString signerId, int batchId, List<BatchData> batchDataList, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
public void closeBatch(CloseBatchMessage closeBatchMessage, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
public void getRedundancy(MessageID id, FutureCallback<Float> callback) {
public void readMessages(MessageFilterList filterList, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
public void readBatch(BatchSpecificationMessage batchSpecificationMessage, FutureCallback<CompleteBatch> callback) {
public void querySync(SyncQuery syncQuery, FutureCallback<SyncQueryResponse> callback) {
public void init(BulletinBoardClientParams clientParams) {
ListeningScheduledExecutorService executorService = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(threadPoolSize));
List<SubscriptionAsyncBulletinBoardClient> subscriberClients = new ArrayList<>(clientParams.getBulletinBoardAddressCount());
for (String address : clientParams.getBulletinBoardAddressList()){
SubscriptionAsyncBulletinBoardClient newClient =
new SingleServerBulletinBoardClient(executorService, failDelayInMilliseconds, subscriptionIntervalInMilliseconds);
subscriber = new ThreadedBulletinBoardSubscriber(subscriberClients, localClient);
public MessageID postMessage(BulletinBoardMessage msg) throws CommunicationException {
return null;
public float getRedundancy(MessageID id) {
return 0;
public List<BulletinBoardMessage> readMessages(MessageFilterList filterList) {
return null;
public SyncQuery generateSyncQuery(GenerateSyncQueryParams GenerateSyncQueryParams) throws CommunicationException {
return null;
public void close() {
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, long startEntry, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.comm.MessageInputStream;
import meerkat.comm.MessageInputStream.MessageInputStreamFactory;
import meerkat.comm.MessageOutputStream;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.SHA256Digest;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.*;
import meerkat.protobuf.Voting.*;
import meerkat.util.BulletinBoardUtils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Created by Arbel Deutsch Peled on 15-Mar-16.
* This client is to be used mainly for testing.
* It wraps a BulletinBoardServer in an asynchronous client.
* This means the access to the server is direct (via method calls) instead of through a TCP connection.
* The client implements both synchronous and asynchronous method calls, but calls to the server itself are performed synchronously.
public class LocalBulletinBoardClient implements SubscriptionAsyncBulletinBoardClient{
private final BulletinBoardServer server;
private final ListeningScheduledExecutorService executorService;
private final BatchDigest digest;
private final int subsrciptionDelay;
* Initializes an instance of the client
* @param server an initialized Bulletin Board Server instance which will perform the actual processing of the requests
* @param threadNum is the number of concurrent threads to allocate for the client
* @param subscriptionDelay is the required delay between subscription calls in milliseconds
public LocalBulletinBoardClient(BulletinBoardServer server, int threadNum, int subscriptionDelay) {
this.server = server;
this.executorService = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(threadNum));
this.digest = new GenericBatchDigest(new SHA256Digest());
this.subsrciptionDelay = subscriptionDelay;
private class MessagePoster implements Callable<Boolean> {
private final BulletinBoardMessage msg;
public MessagePoster(BulletinBoardMessage msg) {
this.msg = msg;
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
return server.postMessage(msg).getValue();
public MessageID postMessage(BulletinBoardMessage msg, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
Futures.addCallback(executorService.submit(new MessagePoster(msg)), callback);
return digest.digestAsMessageID();
private class CompleteBatchPoster implements Callable<Boolean> {
private final CompleteBatch completeBatch;
public CompleteBatchPoster(CompleteBatch completeBatch) {
this.completeBatch = completeBatch;
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
if (!server.beginBatch(completeBatch.getBeginBatchMessage()).getValue())
return false;
int i=0;
for (BatchData data : completeBatch.getBatchDataList()){
BatchMessage message = BatchMessage.newBuilder()
if (!server.postBatchMessage(message).getValue())
return false;
return server.closeBatchMessage(completeBatch.getCloseBatchMessage()).getValue();
public MessageID postBatch(CompleteBatch completeBatch, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
Futures.addCallback(executorService.schedule(new CompleteBatchPoster(completeBatch), subsrciptionDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), callback);
return digest.digestAsMessageID();
private class BatchBeginner implements Callable<Boolean> {
private final BeginBatchMessage msg;
public BatchBeginner(BeginBatchMessage msg) {
this.msg = msg;
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
return server.beginBatch(msg).getValue();
public void beginBatch(BeginBatchMessage beginBatchMessage, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
Futures.addCallback(executorService.submit(new BatchBeginner(beginBatchMessage)), callback);
private class BatchDataPoster implements Callable<Boolean> {
private final ByteString signerId;
private final int batchId;
private final List<BatchData> batchDataList;
private final int startPosition;
public BatchDataPoster(ByteString signerId, int batchId, List<BatchData> batchDataList, int startPosition) {
this.signerId = signerId;
this.batchId = batchId;
this.batchDataList = batchDataList;
this.startPosition = startPosition;
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
BatchMessage.Builder msgBuilder = BatchMessage.newBuilder()
int i = startPosition;
for (BatchData data : batchDataList){
if (!server.postBatchMessage(
return false;
return true;
public void postBatchData(byte[] signerId, int batchId, List<BatchData> batchDataList, int startPosition, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
postBatchData(ByteString.copyFrom(signerId), batchId, batchDataList, startPosition, callback);
public void postBatchData(byte[] signerId, int batchId, List<BatchData> batchDataList, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
postBatchData(signerId, batchId, batchDataList, 0, callback);
public void postBatchData(ByteString signerId, int batchId, List<BatchData> batchDataList, int startPosition, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
Futures.addCallback(executorService.submit(new BatchDataPoster(signerId, batchId, batchDataList, startPosition)), callback);
public void postBatchData(ByteString signerId, int batchId, List<BatchData> batchDataList, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
postBatchData(signerId, batchId, batchDataList, 0, callback);
private class BatchCloser implements Callable<Boolean> {
private final CloseBatchMessage msg;
public BatchCloser(CloseBatchMessage msg) {
this.msg = msg;
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
return server.closeBatchMessage(msg).getValue();
public void closeBatch(CloseBatchMessage closeBatchMessage, FutureCallback<Boolean> callback) {
Futures.addCallback(executorService.submit(new BatchCloser(closeBatchMessage)), callback);
private class RedundancyGetter implements Callable<Float> {
private final MessageID msgId;
public RedundancyGetter(MessageID msgId) {
this.msgId = msgId;
public Float call() throws Exception {
MessageFilterList filterList = MessageFilterList.newBuilder()
ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
MessageOutputStream<BulletinBoardMessage> outputStream = new MessageOutputStream<>(byteOutputStream);
MessageInputStream<BulletinBoardMessage> inputStream =
new ByteArrayInputStream(byteOutputStream.toByteArray()),
if (inputStream.isAvailable())
return 1.0f;
return 0.0f;
public void getRedundancy(MessageID id, FutureCallback<Float> callback) {
Futures.addCallback(executorService.submit(new RedundancyGetter(id)), callback);
private class MessageReader implements Callable<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> {
private final MessageFilterList filterList;
public MessageReader(MessageFilterList filterList) {
this.filterList = filterList;
public List<BulletinBoardMessage> call() throws Exception {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
MessageOutputStream<BulletinBoardMessage> outputStream = new MessageOutputStream<>(byteOutputStream);
server.readMessages(filterList, outputStream);
MessageInputStream<BulletinBoardMessage> inputStream =
new ByteArrayInputStream(byteOutputStream.toByteArray()),
return inputStream.asList();
public void readMessages(MessageFilterList filterList, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
Futures.addCallback(executorService.submit(new MessageReader(filterList)), callback);
class SubscriptionCallback implements FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> {
private MessageFilterList filterList;
private final FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback;
public SubscriptionCallback(MessageFilterList filterList, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
this.filterList = filterList;
this.callback = callback;
public void onSuccess(List<BulletinBoardMessage> result) {
// Report new messages to user
MessageFilterList.Builder filterBuilder = filterList.toBuilder();
// If any new messages arrived: update the MIN_ENTRY condition
if (result.size() > 0) {
// Remove last filter from list (MIN_ENTRY one)
filterBuilder.removeFilter(filterBuilder.getFilterCount() - 1);
// Add updated MIN_ENTRY filter (entry number is successor of last received entry's number)
.setEntry(result.get(result.size() - 1).getEntryNum() + 1)
filterList =;
// Reschedule job
Futures.addCallback(executorService.submit(new MessageReader(filterList)), this);
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
// Notify caller about failure and terminate subscription
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, long startEntry, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
MessageFilterList subscriptionFilterList =
Futures.addCallback(executorService.submit(new MessageReader(subscriptionFilterList)), new SubscriptionCallback(subscriptionFilterList, callback));
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
subscribe(filterList, 0, callback);
private class CompleteBatchReader implements Callable<CompleteBatch> {
private final BatchSpecificationMessage batchSpecificationMessage;
public CompleteBatchReader(BatchSpecificationMessage batchSpecificationMessage) {
this.batchSpecificationMessage = batchSpecificationMessage;
public CompleteBatch call() throws Exception {
final String[] TAGS_TO_REMOVE = {BulletinBoardConstants.BATCH_TAG, BulletinBoardConstants.BATCH_ID_TAG_PREFIX};
CompleteBatch completeBatch = new CompleteBatch(BeginBatchMessage.newBuilder()
ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
MessageOutputStream<BatchData> batchOutputStream = new MessageOutputStream<>(byteOutputStream);
MessageInputStream<BatchData> batchInputStream =
new ByteArrayInputStream(byteOutputStream.toByteArray()),
MessageFilterList filterList = MessageFilterList.newBuilder()
.setTag(BulletinBoardConstants.BATCH_ID_TAG_PREFIX + completeBatch.getBeginBatchMessage().getBatchId())
byteOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
MessageOutputStream<BulletinBoardMessage> messageOutputStream = new MessageOutputStream<>(byteOutputStream);
MessageInputStream<BulletinBoardMessage> messageInputStream =
new ByteArrayInputStream(byteOutputStream.toByteArray()),
if (!messageInputStream.isAvailable())
throw new NotFoundException("Batch does not exist");
BulletinBoardMessage message = messageInputStream.readMessage();
.addAllTag(BulletinBoardUtils.removePrefixTags(message, Arrays.asList(TAGS_TO_REMOVE)))
.setBatchId(Integer.parseInt(BulletinBoardUtils.findTagWithPrefix(message, BulletinBoardConstants.BATCH_ID_TAG_PREFIX)))
return completeBatch;
public void readBatch(BatchSpecificationMessage batchSpecificationMessage, FutureCallback<CompleteBatch> callback) {
Futures.addCallback(executorService.submit(new CompleteBatchReader(batchSpecificationMessage)), callback);
private class SyncQueryHandler implements Callable<SyncQueryResponse> {
private final SyncQuery syncQuery;
public SyncQueryHandler(SyncQuery syncQuery) {
this.syncQuery = syncQuery;
public SyncQueryResponse call() throws Exception {
return server.querySync(syncQuery);
public void querySync(SyncQuery syncQuery, FutureCallback<SyncQueryResponse> callback) {
Futures.addCallback(executorService.submit(new SyncQueryHandler(syncQuery)), callback);
* This method is a stub, since the implementation only considers one server, and that is given in the constructor
* @param ignored is ignored
public void init(BulletinBoardClientParams ignored) {}
public MessageID postMessage(BulletinBoardMessage msg) throws CommunicationException {
try {
MessagePoster poster = new MessagePoster(msg);
return digest.digestAsMessageID();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
public float getRedundancy(MessageID id) {
try {
RedundancyGetter getter = new RedundancyGetter(id);
} catch (Exception e) {
return -1.0f;
public List<BulletinBoardMessage> readMessages(MessageFilterList filterList) {
try {
MessageReader reader = new MessageReader(filterList);
} catch (Exception e){
return null;
public SyncQuery generateSyncQuery(GenerateSyncQueryParams GenerateSyncQueryParams) throws CommunicationException {
return server.generateSyncQuery(GenerateSyncQueryParams);
public void close() {
try {
} catch (CommunicationException ignored) {}
@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.comm.MessageInputStream;
import meerkat.crypto.Digest;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.SHA256Digest;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.*;
import meerkat.protobuf.Voting.*;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
@ -129,6 +137,7 @@ public class SimpleBulletinBoardClient implements BulletinBoardClient{
public List<BulletinBoardMessage> readMessages(MessageFilterList filterList) {
WebTarget webTarget;
Response response;
BulletinBoardMessageList messageList;
@ -139,6 +148,7 @@ public class SimpleBulletinBoardClient implements BulletinBoardClient{
for (String db : meerkatDBs) {
try {
webTarget =;
@ -151,9 +161,34 @@ public class SimpleBulletinBoardClient implements BulletinBoardClient{
} catch (Exception e) {}
return null;
public SyncQuery generateSyncQuery(GenerateSyncQueryParams generateSyncQueryParams) throws CommunicationException {
WebTarget webTarget;
Response response;
for (String db : meerkatDBs) {
try {
webTarget =;
response = webTarget.request(Constants.MEDIATYPE_PROTOBUF).post(Entity.entity(generateSyncQueryParams, Constants.MEDIATYPE_PROTOBUF));
return response.readEntity(SyncQuery.class);
} catch (Exception e) {}
throw new CommunicationException("Could not contact any server");
public void close() {
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import;
import meerkat.bulletinboard.workers.singleserver.*;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.*;
import meerkat.protobuf.Voting.BulletinBoardClientParams;
import meerkat.util.BulletinBoardUtils;
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* If the list of servers contains more than one server: the server actually used is the first one
* The class further implements a delayed access to the server after a communication error occurs
public class SingleServerBulletinBoardClient extends SimpleBulletinBoardClient implements AsyncBulletinBoardClient {
public class SingleServerBulletinBoardClient extends SimpleBulletinBoardClient implements SubscriptionAsyncBulletinBoardClient {
private final int MAX_RETRIES = 11;
@ -275,13 +276,13 @@ public class SingleServerBulletinBoardClient extends SimpleBulletinBoardClient i
class SubscriptionCallback implements FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> {
private SingleServerReadMessagesWorker worker;
private final MessageHandler messageHandler;
private final FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback;
private MessageFilterList.Builder filterBuilder;
public SubscriptionCallback(SingleServerReadMessagesWorker worker, MessageHandler messageHandler) {
public SubscriptionCallback(SingleServerReadMessagesWorker worker, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
this.worker = worker;
this.messageHandler = messageHandler;
this.callback = callback;
filterBuilder = worker.getPayload().toBuilder();
@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ public class SingleServerBulletinBoardClient extends SimpleBulletinBoardClient i
public void onSuccess(List<BulletinBoardMessage> result) {
// Report new messages to user
// Remove last filter from list (MIN_ENTRY one)
filterBuilder.removeFilter(filterBuilder.getFilterCount() - 1);
@ -315,14 +316,16 @@ public class SingleServerBulletinBoardClient extends SimpleBulletinBoardClient i
// Notify client about failure
// Reschedule exact same task
scheduleWorker(worker, this);
// Notify caller about failure and terminate subscription
public SingleServerBulletinBoardClient(int threadPoolSize, long failDelayInMilliseconds, long subscriptionIntervalInMilliseconds) {
public SingleServerBulletinBoardClient(ListeningScheduledExecutorService executorService,
long failDelayInMilliseconds,
long subscriptionIntervalInMilliseconds) {
executorService = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(threadPoolSize));
this.executorService = executorService;
this.failDelayInMilliseconds = failDelayInMilliseconds;
this.subscriptionIntervalInMilliseconds = subscriptionIntervalInMilliseconds;
@ -332,6 +335,14 @@ public class SingleServerBulletinBoardClient extends SimpleBulletinBoardClient i
public SingleServerBulletinBoardClient(int threadPoolSize, long failDelayInMilliseconds, long subscriptionIntervalInMilliseconds) {
* Stores database location, initializes the web Client and
* @param clientParams contains the data needed to access the DBs
@ -567,8 +578,16 @@ public class SingleServerBulletinBoardClient extends SimpleBulletinBoardClient i
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, MessageHandler messageHandler) {
public void querySync(SyncQuery syncQuery, FutureCallback<SyncQueryResponse> callback) {
SingleServerQuerySyncWorker worker = new SingleServerQuerySyncWorker(meerkatDBs.get(0), syncQuery, MAX_RETRIES);
scheduleWorker(worker, new RetryCallback<>(worker, callback));
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, long startEntry, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
// Remove all existing MIN_ENTRY filters and create new one that starts at 0
MessageFilterList.Builder filterListBuilder = filterList.toBuilder();
@ -583,15 +602,19 @@ public class SingleServerBulletinBoardClient extends SimpleBulletinBoardClient i
// Create job with no retries
SingleServerReadMessagesWorker worker = new SingleServerReadMessagesWorker(meerkatDBs.get(0),, 1);
SingleServerReadMessagesWorker worker = new SingleServerReadMessagesWorker(meerkatDBs.get(0),, MAX_RETRIES);
// Submit job and create callback
scheduleWorker(worker, new SubscriptionCallback(worker, messageHandler));
// Submit job and create callback that retries on failure and handles repeated subscription
scheduleWorker(worker, new RetryCallback<>(worker, new SubscriptionCallback(worker, callback)));
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
subscribe(filterList, 0, callback);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import;
import meerkat.bulletinboard.workers.multiserver.*;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.*;
import meerkat.protobuf.Voting.*;
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClient extends SimpleBulletinBoardClient imple
batchDigest = new GenericBatchDigest(digest);
minAbsoluteRedundancy = (int) (clientParams.getMinRedundancy() * clientParams.getBulletinBoardAddressCount());
minAbsoluteRedundancy = (int) (clientParams.getMinRedundancy() * (float) clientParams.getBulletinBoardAddressCount());
executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(JOBS_THREAD_NUM);
@ -223,9 +224,13 @@ public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClient extends SimpleBulletinBoardClient imple
* This method is not supported by this class!
* This is because it has no meaning when considering more than one server without knowing which server will be contacted
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, MessageHandler messageHandler) {
// TODO: Implement
public void querySync(SyncQuery syncQuery, FutureCallback<SyncQueryResponse> callback) {
callback.onFailure(new IllegalAccessError("querySync is not supported by this class"));
@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.*;
import meerkat.util.BulletinBoardUtils;
import static meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.FilterType.*;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
* Created by Arbel Deutsch Peled on 03-Mar-16.
* A multi-server implementation of the {@link BulletinBoardSubscriber}
public class ThreadedBulletinBoardSubscriber implements BulletinBoardSubscriber {
protected final Collection<SubscriptionAsyncBulletinBoardClient> clients;
protected final BulletinBoardClient localClient;
protected Iterator<SubscriptionAsyncBulletinBoardClient> clientIterator;
protected SubscriptionAsyncBulletinBoardClient currentClient;
private long lastServerSwitchTime;
private AtomicBoolean isSyncInProgress;
private Semaphore rescheduleSemaphore;
private static final Float[] BREAKPOINTS = {0.5f, 0.75f, 0.9f, 0.95f, 0.99f, 0.999f};
public ThreadedBulletinBoardSubscriber(Collection<SubscriptionAsyncBulletinBoardClient> clients, BulletinBoardClient localClient) {
this.clients = clients;
this.localClient = localClient;
lastServerSwitchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
clientIterator = clients.iterator();
currentClient =;
isSyncInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false);
rescheduleSemaphore = new Semaphore(1);
* Moves to next client and performs resync with it
private void nextClient() {
try {
if (!clientIterator.hasNext()){
clientIterator = clients.iterator();
currentClient =;
lastServerSwitchTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO: log
// Do not change client
private abstract class SubscriberCallback<T> implements FutureCallback<T> {
protected final MessageFilterList filterList;
protected final FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback;
private final long invocationTime;
public SubscriberCallback(MessageFilterList filterList, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
this.filterList = filterList;
this.callback = callback;
this.invocationTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Handles resyncing process for the given subscription after a server is switched
* Specifically: generates a sync query from the local database and uses it to query the current server
private void reSync() {
SyncQuery syncQuery = null;
try {
syncQuery = localClient.generateSyncQuery(GenerateSyncQueryParams.newBuilder()
} catch (CommunicationException e) {
// Handle failure in standard way
currentClient.querySync(syncQuery, new SyncQueryCallback(filterList, callback));
* Reschedules the subscription
private void reschedule() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//TODO: log
callback.onFailure(e); // Hard error: Cannot guarantee subscription safety
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
// If server failure is not already known: switch to next client and resync
if (invocationTime > lastServerSwitchTime){
// Make sure only what thread switches the client
if (isSyncInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true)){
* Provides handling logic for resync query callback operation
* Receives a SyncQueryResponse and reads the missing data (starting from the received timestamp) if needed
protected class SyncQueryCallback extends SubscriberCallback<SyncQueryResponse> {
public SyncQueryCallback (MessageFilterList filterList, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
super(filterList, callback);
public void onSuccess(SyncQueryResponse result) {
final Timestamp DEFAULT_TIME = BulletinBoardUtils.toTimestampProto(946728000); // Year 2000
// Read required messages according to received Timestamp
Timestamp syncTimestamp;
if (result.hasLastTimeOfSync()) {
syncTimestamp = result.getLastTimeOfSync(); // Use returned time of sync
} else {
syncTimestamp = DEFAULT_TIME; // Get all messages
MessageFilterList timestampedFilterList = filterList.toBuilder()
.removeFilter(filterList.getFilterCount()-1) // Remove MIN_ENTRY filter
.addFilter(MessageFilter.newBuilder() // Add timestamp filter
currentClient.readMessages(timestampedFilterList, new ReSyncCallback(filterList, callback, result.getLastEntryNum()));
* Provides handling logic for callback of resyncing process
* Receives the missing messages, handles them and resubscribes
protected class ReSyncCallback extends SubscriberCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> {
private long minEntry;
public ReSyncCallback (MessageFilterList filterList, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback, long minEntry) {
super(filterList, callback);
this.minEntry = minEntry;
public void onSuccess(List<BulletinBoardMessage> result) {
// Propagate result to caller
// Renew subscription
MessageFilterList newFilterList = filterList.toBuilder()
.removeFilter(filterList.getFilterCount()-1) // Remove current MIN_ENTRY filter
.addFilter(MessageFilter.newBuilder() // Add new MIN_ENTRY filter for current server
currentClient.subscribe(newFilterList, callback);
* Provides the handling logic for results and failures of main subscription (while there are no errors)
protected class SubscriptionCallback extends SubscriberCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> {
public SubscriptionCallback(MessageFilterList filterList, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback){
super(filterList, callback);
public void onSuccess(List<BulletinBoardMessage> result) {
// Propagate result to caller
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, long startEntry, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
currentClient.subscribe(filterList, startEntry, new SubscriptionCallback(filterList, callback));
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback) {
subscribe(filterList, 0, callback);
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package meerkat.bulletinboard.workers.singleserver;
import meerkat.bulletinboard.SingleServerWorker;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.comm.MessageInputStream;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.*;
@ -11,6 +12,10 @@ import;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import static meerkat.bulletinboard.BulletinBoardConstants.BULLETIN_BOARD_SERVER_PATH;
import static meerkat.bulletinboard.BulletinBoardConstants.READ_MESSAGES_PATH;
@ -45,17 +50,19 @@ public class SingleServerGetRedundancyWorker extends SingleServerWorker<MessageI
// Send request to Server
// Send request to Server
webTarget =;
response = webTarget.request(Constants.MEDIATYPE_PROTOBUF).post(Entity.entity(msgFilterList, Constants.MEDIATYPE_PROTOBUF));
InputStream in = webTarget.request(Constants.MEDIATYPE_PROTOBUF).post(Entity.entity(msgFilterList, Constants.MEDIATYPE_PROTOBUF), InputStream.class);
MessageInputStream<BulletinBoardMessage> inputStream = null;
// Retrieve answer
try {
// If a BulletinBoardMessageList is returned: the read was successful
BulletinBoardMessageList msgList = response.readEntity(BulletinBoardMessageList.class);
inputStream = MessageInputStream.MessageInputStreamFactory.createMessageInputStream(in, BulletinBoardMessage.class);
if (msgList.getMessageList().size() > 0){
if (inputStream.asList().size() > 0){
// Message exists in the server
return 1.0f;
@ -64,14 +71,15 @@ public class SingleServerGetRedundancyWorker extends SingleServerWorker<MessageI
return 0.0f;
} catch (ProcessingException | IllegalStateException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Read failed
throw new CommunicationException("Server access failed");
finally {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {}
@ -1,25 +1,14 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard;
import meerkat.bulletinboard.AsyncBulletinBoardClient;
import meerkat.bulletinboard.CompleteBatch;
import meerkat.bulletinboard.GenericBatchDigitalSignature;
import meerkat.bulletinboard.ThreadedBulletinBoardClient;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.ECDSASignature;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.*;
import meerkat.protobuf.Crypto;
import meerkat.protobuf.Voting.*;
import meerkat.util.BulletinBoardMessageComparator;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
import static org.hamcrest.number.OrderingComparison.*;
import meerkat.util.BulletinBoardMessageGenerator;
@ -28,10 +17,14 @@ import;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
import static org.hamcrest.number.OrderingComparison.greaterThanOrEqualTo;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
* Created by Arbel Deutsch Peled on 05-Dec-15.
public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest {
public class GenericBulletinBoardClientTester {
// Signature resources
@ -47,12 +40,6 @@ public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest {
private static String CERT1_PEM_EXAMPLE = "/certs/enduser-certs/user1.crt";
private static String CERT3_PEM_EXAMPLE = "/certs/enduser-certs/user3.crt";
// Server data
private static String PROP_GETTY_URL = "gretty.httpBaseURI";
private static String DEFAULT_BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8081";
private static String BASE_URL = System.getProperty(PROP_GETTY_URL, DEFAULT_BASE_URL);
// Client and callbacks
private AsyncBulletinBoardClient bulletinBoardClient;
@ -72,7 +59,9 @@ public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest {
// Constructor
public ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest(){
public GenericBulletinBoardClientTester(AsyncBulletinBoardClient bulletinBoardClient){
this.bulletinBoardClient = bulletinBoardClient;
signers = new GenericBatchDigitalSignature[2];
signerIDs = new ByteString[signers.length];
@ -303,21 +292,10 @@ public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest {
* Takes care of initializing the client and the test resources
public void init(){
bulletinBoardClient = new ThreadedBulletinBoardClient();
random = new Random(0); // We use insecure randomness in tests for repeatability
List<String> testDB = new LinkedList<>();
.setMinRedundancy((float) 1.0)
postCallback = new PostCallback();
redundancyCallback = new RedundancyCallback((float) 1.0);
@ -330,11 +308,8 @@ public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest {
* Closes the client and makes sure the test fails when an exception occurred in a separate thread
public void close() {
if (thrown.size() > 0) {
assert false;
@ -344,7 +319,6 @@ public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest {
* Tests the standard post, redundancy and read methods
public void postTest() {
byte[] b1 = {(byte) 1, (byte) 2, (byte) 3, (byte) 4};
@ -424,7 +398,6 @@ public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest {
* Also tests not being able to post to a closed batch
* @throws CommunicationException, SignatureException, InterruptedException
public void testBatchPost() throws CommunicationException, SignatureException, InterruptedException {
final int SIGNER = 1;
@ -447,15 +420,7 @@ public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest {
// Close batch
CloseBatchMessage closeBatchMessage = CloseBatchMessage.newBuilder()
CloseBatchMessage closeBatchMessage = completeBatch.getCloseBatchMessage();
bulletinBoardClient.closeBatch(closeBatchMessage, postCallback);
@ -490,10 +455,9 @@ public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest {
* Posts a complete batch message
* Checks reading od the message
* Checks reading of the message
* @throws CommunicationException, SignatureException, InterruptedException
public void testCompleteBatchPost() throws CommunicationException, SignatureException, InterruptedException {
final int SIGNER = 0;
@ -529,7 +493,6 @@ public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest {
* Tests that an unopened batch cannot be closed
* @throws CommunicationException, InterruptedException
public void testInvalidBatchClose() throws CommunicationException, InterruptedException {
final int NON_EXISTENT_BATCH_ID = 999;
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.ECDSASignature;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.*;
import meerkat.util.BulletinBoardMessageComparator;
import meerkat.util.BulletinBoardMessageGenerator;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.startsWith;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static;
* Created by Arbel Deutsch Peled on 22-Mar-16.
public class GenericSubscriptionClientTester {
private GenericBatchDigitalSignature signers[];
private ByteString[] signerIDs;
private static String KEYFILE_EXAMPLE = "/certs/enduser-certs/user1-key-with-password-secret.p12";
private static String KEYFILE_EXAMPLE3 = "/certs/enduser-certs/user3-key-with-password-shh.p12";
private static String KEYFILE_PASSWORD1 = "secret";
private static String KEYFILE_PASSWORD3 = "shh";
private static String CERT1_PEM_EXAMPLE = "/certs/enduser-certs/user1.crt";
private static String CERT3_PEM_EXAMPLE = "/certs/enduser-certs/user3.crt";
private SubscriptionAsyncBulletinBoardClient bulletinBoardClient;
private Random random;
private BulletinBoardMessageGenerator generator;
private Semaphore jobSemaphore;
private Vector<Throwable> thrown;
public GenericSubscriptionClientTester(SubscriptionAsyncBulletinBoardClient bulletinBoardClient){
this.bulletinBoardClient = bulletinBoardClient;
signers = new GenericBatchDigitalSignature[2];
signerIDs = new ByteString[signers.length];
signers[0] = new GenericBatchDigitalSignature(new ECDSASignature());
signers[1] = new GenericBatchDigitalSignature(new ECDSASignature());
InputStream keyStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(KEYFILE_EXAMPLE);
char[] password = KEYFILE_PASSWORD1.toCharArray();
KeyStore.Builder keyStoreBuilder;
try {
keyStoreBuilder = signers[0].getPKCS12KeyStoreBuilder(keyStream, password);
keyStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(KEYFILE_EXAMPLE3);
password = KEYFILE_PASSWORD3.toCharArray();
keyStoreBuilder = signers[1].getPKCS12KeyStoreBuilder(keyStream, password);
for (int i = 0 ; i < signers.length ; i++) {
signerIDs[i] = signers[i].getSignerID();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Failed reading from signature file " + e.getMessage());
fail("Failed reading from signature file " + e.getMessage());
} catch (CertificateException e) {
System.err.println("Failed reading certificate " + e.getMessage());
fail("Failed reading certificate " + e.getMessage());
} catch (KeyStoreException e) {
System.err.println("Failed reading keystore " + e.getMessage());
fail("Failed reading keystore " + e.getMessage());
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
System.err.println("Couldn't find signing algorithm " + e.getMessage());
fail("Couldn't find signing algorithm " + e.getMessage());
} catch (UnrecoverableKeyException e) {
System.err.println("Couldn't find signing key " + e.getMessage());
fail("Couldn't find signing key " + e.getMessage());
* Takes care of initializing the client and the test resources
public void init(){
random = new Random(0); // We use insecure randomness in tests for repeatability
generator = new BulletinBoardMessageGenerator(random);
thrown = new Vector<>();
jobSemaphore = new Semaphore(0);
* Closes the client and makes sure the test fails when an exception occurred in a separate thread
public void close() {
if (thrown.size() > 0) {
assert false;
private class SubscriptionCallback implements FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>>{
private int stage;
private final List<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> expectedMessages;
private final List<BulletinBoardMessage> messagesToPost;
private final BulletinBoardMessageComparator comparator;
public SubscriptionCallback(List<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> expectedMessages, List<BulletinBoardMessage> messagesToPost) {
this.expectedMessages = expectedMessages;
this.messagesToPost = messagesToPost;
this.stage = 0;
this.comparator = new BulletinBoardMessageComparator();
public void onSuccess(List<BulletinBoardMessage> result) {
if (stage >= expectedMessages.size())
// Check for consistency
List<BulletinBoardMessage> expectedMsgList = expectedMessages.get(stage);
if (expectedMsgList.size() != result.size()){
onFailure(new AssertionError("Received wrong number of messages"));
Iterator<BulletinBoardMessage> expectedMessageIterator = expectedMsgList.iterator();
Iterator<BulletinBoardMessage> receivedMessageIterator = result.iterator();
while (expectedMessageIterator.hasNext()) {
if(, != 0){
onFailure(new AssertionError("Received unexpected message"));
// Post new message
try {
if (stage < messagesToPost.size()) {
} catch (CommunicationException e) {
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
System.err.println(t.getCause() + " " + t.getMessage());
stage = expectedMessages.size();
public void subscriptionTest() throws SignatureException, CommunicationException {
final int FIRST_POST_ID = 201;
final int SECOND_POST_ID = 202;
List<String> tags = new LinkedList<>();
BulletinBoardMessage msg1 = generator.generateRandomMessage(signers, Timestamp.newBuilder().setSeconds(1000).setNanos(900).build(), 10, 4, tags);
BulletinBoardMessage msg2 = generator.generateRandomMessage(signers, Timestamp.newBuilder().setSeconds(800).setNanos(300).build(), 10, 4);
BulletinBoardMessage msg3 = generator.generateRandomMessage(signers, Timestamp.newBuilder().setSeconds(2000).setNanos(0).build(), 10, 4, tags);
MessageFilterList filterList = MessageFilterList.newBuilder()
List<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> expectedMessages = new ArrayList<>(3);
expectedMessages.add(new LinkedList<BulletinBoardMessage>());
expectedMessages.add(new LinkedList<BulletinBoardMessage>());
expectedMessages.add(new LinkedList<BulletinBoardMessage>());
List<BulletinBoardMessage> messagesToPost = new ArrayList<>(2);
bulletinBoardClient.subscribe(filterList, new SubscriptionCallback(expectedMessages, messagesToPost));
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.err.println(e.getCause() + " " + e.getMessage());
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard;
import meerkat.bulletinboard.sqlserver.*;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.List;
import static;
* Created by Arbel Deutsch Peled on 05-Dec-15.
public class LocalBulletinBoardClientTest {
private static final int THREAD_NUM = 3;
private static final String DB_NAME = "TestDB";
private static final int SUBSRCIPTION_DELAY = 3000;
// Testers
private GenericBulletinBoardClientTester clientTest;
private GenericSubscriptionClientTester subscriptionTester;
public LocalBulletinBoardClientTest() throws CommunicationException {
H2QueryProvider queryProvider = new H2QueryProvider(DB_NAME) ;
try {
Connection conn = queryProvider.getDataSource().getConnection();
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
List<String> deletionQueries = queryProvider.getSchemaDeletionCommands();
for (String deletionQuery : deletionQueries) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CommunicationException(e.getCause() + " " + e.getMessage());
BulletinBoardServer server = new BulletinBoardSQLServer(queryProvider);
LocalBulletinBoardClient client = new LocalBulletinBoardClient(server, THREAD_NUM, SUBSRCIPTION_DELAY);
subscriptionTester = new GenericSubscriptionClientTester(client);
clientTest = new GenericBulletinBoardClientTester(client);
// Test methods
* Takes care of initializing the client and the test resources
public void init(){
* Closes the client and makes sure the test fails when an exception occurred in a separate thread
public void close() {
public void postTest() {
public void testBatchPost() throws CommunicationException, SignatureException, InterruptedException {
public void testCompleteBatchPost() throws CommunicationException, SignatureException, InterruptedException {
public void testInvalidBatchClose() throws CommunicationException, InterruptedException {
public void testSubscription() throws SignatureException, CommunicationException {
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.protobuf.Voting.*;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* Created by Arbel Deutsch Peled on 05-Dec-15.
public class ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest {
// Server data
private static String PROP_GETTY_URL = "gretty.httpBaseURI";
private static String DEFAULT_BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8081";
private static String BASE_URL = System.getProperty(PROP_GETTY_URL, DEFAULT_BASE_URL);
// Tester
private GenericBulletinBoardClientTester clientTest;
public ThreadedBulletinBoardClientIntegrationTest(){
ThreadedBulletinBoardClient client = new ThreadedBulletinBoardClient();
List<String> testDB = new LinkedList<>();
.setMinRedundancy((float) 1.0)
clientTest = new GenericBulletinBoardClientTester(client);
// Test methods
* Takes care of initializing the client and the test resources
public void init(){
* Closes the client and makes sure the test fails when an exception occurred in a separate thread
public void close() {
public void postTest() {
public void testBatchPost() throws CommunicationException, SignatureException, InterruptedException {
public void testCompleteBatchPost() throws CommunicationException, SignatureException, InterruptedException {
public void testInvalidBatchClose() throws CommunicationException, InterruptedException {
@ -1,33 +1,38 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard.sqlserver;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import meerkat.bulletinboard.*;
import meerkat.bulletinboard.sqlserver.mappers.*;
import static meerkat.bulletinboard.BulletinBoardConstants.*;
import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.comm.MessageOutputStream;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.ECDSASignature;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.SHA256Digest;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.*;
import meerkat.protobuf.Crypto.Signature;
import meerkat.protobuf.Crypto.SignatureVerificationKey;
import static meerkat.bulletinboard.sqlserver.BulletinBoardSQLServer.SQLQueryProvider.*;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import meerkat.util.BulletinBoardUtils;
import meerkat.util.TimestampComparator;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.*;
import static meerkat.bulletinboard.BulletinBoardConstants.BATCH_ID_TAG_PREFIX;
import static meerkat.bulletinboard.BulletinBoardConstants.BATCH_TAG;
import static meerkat.bulletinboard.sqlserver.BulletinBoardSQLServer.SQLQueryProvider.FilterTypeParam;
import static meerkat.bulletinboard.sqlserver.BulletinBoardSQLServer.SQLQueryProvider.QueryType;
@ -583,14 +588,12 @@ public class BulletinBoardSQLServer implements BulletinBoardServer{
* Used to retrieve just basic information about messages to allow calculation of checksum
* Private implementation of the message stub reader for returning result as a list
* @param filterList is a filter list that defines which messages the client is interested in
* @return a list of Bulletin Board Messages that contain just the entry number, timestamp and message ID for each message
* The message ID is returned inside the message data field
* @return the requested list of message stubs
protected List<BulletinBoardMessage> readMessageStubs(MessageFilterList filterList) {
private List<BulletinBoardMessage> readMessageStubs(MessageFilterList filterList) {
StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(50 * (filterList.getFilterCount() + 1));
@ -632,6 +635,7 @@ public class BulletinBoardSQLServer implements BulletinBoardServer{
* This method returns a string representation of the tag associated with a batch ID
* @param batchId is the given batch ID
@ -641,6 +645,7 @@ public class BulletinBoardSQLServer implements BulletinBoardServer{
return BATCH_ID_TAG_PREFIX + Integer.toString(batchId);
* This method checks if a specified batch exists and is already closed
* @param signerId is the ID of the publisher of the batch
@ -684,6 +689,7 @@ public class BulletinBoardSQLServer implements BulletinBoardServer{
public BoolMsg beginBatch(BeginBatchMessage message) throws CommunicationException {
@ -716,8 +722,10 @@ public class BulletinBoardSQLServer implements BulletinBoardServer{
return BoolMsg.newBuilder().setValue(true).build();
public BoolMsg postBatchMessage(BatchMessage batchMessage) throws CommunicationException{
@ -741,6 +749,7 @@ public class BulletinBoardSQLServer implements BulletinBoardServer{
public BoolMsg closeBatchMessage(CloseBatchMessage message) throws CommunicationException {
@ -764,13 +773,12 @@ public class BulletinBoardSQLServer implements BulletinBoardServer{
return BoolMsg.newBuilder().setValue(false).build();
// Get Tags and add them to CompleteBatch
sql = sqlQueryProvider.getSQLString(QueryType.GET_BATCH_TAGS);
namedParameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
List<String> tags = jdbcTemplate.query(sql, namedParameters, new StringMapper());
@ -844,6 +852,7 @@ public class BulletinBoardSQLServer implements BulletinBoardServer{
return BoolMsg.newBuilder().setValue(true).build();
public void readBatch(BatchSpecificationMessage message, MessageOutputStream<BatchData> out) throws CommunicationException, IllegalArgumentException{
@ -863,6 +872,7 @@ public class BulletinBoardSQLServer implements BulletinBoardServer{
* Finds the entry number of the last entry in the database
* @return the entry number, or -1 if no entries are found
@ -881,10 +891,80 @@ public class BulletinBoardSQLServer implements BulletinBoardServer{
public SyncQuery generateSyncQuery(GenerateSyncQueryParams generateSyncQueryParams) {
if (generateSyncQueryParams == null
|| !generateSyncQueryParams.hasFilterList()
|| generateSyncQueryParams.getFilterList().getFilterCount() <= 0
|| generateSyncQueryParams.getBreakpointListCount() <= 0){
return SyncQuery.getDefaultInstance();
List<BulletinBoardMessage> messages = readMessageStubs(generateSyncQueryParams.getFilterList());
if (messages.size() <= 0){
return SyncQuery.newBuilder().build();
SyncQuery.Builder resultBuilder = SyncQuery.newBuilder();
Iterator<BulletinBoardMessage> messageIterator = messages.iterator();
Iterator<Float> breakpointIterator = generateSyncQueryParams.getBreakpointListList().iterator();
Checksum checksum = new SimpleChecksum();
checksum.setDigest(new SHA256Digest());
Timestamp lastTimestamp = Timestamp.getDefaultInstance();
BulletinBoardMessage message =;
long currentMessageNum = 1;
boolean checksumChanged = true;
while (breakpointIterator.hasNext()){
Float breakpoint =;
// Continue while breakpoint not reached, or it has been reached but no new timestamp has been encountered since
while ( messageIterator.hasNext()
&& ((float) currentMessageNum / (float) messages.size() <= breakpoint)
|| ((float) currentMessageNum / (float) messages.size() > breakpoint
&& lastTimestamp.equals(message.getMsg().getTimestamp()))){
checksumChanged = true;
lastTimestamp = message.getMsg().getTimestamp();
message =;
if (checksumChanged) {
checksumChanged = false;
* Searches for the latest time of sync of the DB relative to a given query and returns the metadata needed to complete the sync
* The checksum up to (and including) each given timestamp is calculated using bitwise XOR on 8-byte sized blocks of the message IDs
* @param syncQuery contains a succinct representation of states to compare to
* The checksum up to (and including) each given timestamp is calculated using an instance of SimpleChecksum
* @param syncQuery contains a succinct representation of states to compare against
* @return the current last entry num and latest time of sync if there is one; -1 as last entry and empty timestamp otherwise
* @throws CommunicationException
@ -957,6 +1037,7 @@ public class BulletinBoardSQLServer implements BulletinBoardServer{
public void close() {}
@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ public class H2QueryProvider implements BulletinBoardSQLServer.SQLQueryProvider
+ " WHERE TagTable.Tag = :Tag" + serialString + " AND MsgTagTable.EntryNum = MsgTable.EntryNum)";
return "MsgTable.ExactTime <= :TimeStamp";
return "MsgTable.ExactTime <= :TimeStamp" + serialString;
return "MsgTable.ExactTime >= :TimeStamp";
return "MsgTable.ExactTime >= :TimeStamp" + serialString;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot serve a filter of type " + filterType);
@ -186,6 +186,11 @@ public class H2QueryProvider implements BulletinBoardSQLServer.SQLQueryProvider
case TAG:
return "VARCHAR";
case AFTER_TIME: // Go through
return "TIMESTAMP";
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot serve a filter of type " + filterType);
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ import java.util.List;
public class MessageCallbackHandler implements RowCallbackHandler {
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
SQLQueryProvider sqlQueryProvider;
MessageOutputStream<BulletinBoardMessage> out;
private final NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
private final SQLQueryProvider sqlQueryProvider;
private final MessageOutputStream<BulletinBoardMessage> out;
public MessageCallbackHandler(NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, SQLQueryProvider sqlQueryProvider, MessageOutputStream<BulletinBoardMessage> out) {
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard.sqlserver.mappers;
import meerkat.bulletinboard.sqlserver.BulletinBoardSQLServer.SQLQueryProvider.QueryType;
import meerkat.comm.MessageOutputStream;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.BulletinBoardMessage;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.UnsignedBulletinBoardMessage;
import meerkat.protobuf.Crypto;
import meerkat.util.BulletinBoardUtils;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowCallbackHandler;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
* Created by Arbel Deutsch Peled on 21-Feb-16.
public class MessageStubCallbackHandler implements RowCallbackHandler {
private final MessageOutputStream<BulletinBoardMessage> out;
public MessageStubCallbackHandler(MessageOutputStream<BulletinBoardMessage> out) {
this.out = out;
public void processRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
BulletinBoardMessage result;
result = BulletinBoardMessage.newBuilder()
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
//TODO: log
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import static*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Collection;
* An implementation of the BulletinBoardServer which functions as a WebApp
@ -183,6 +183,21 @@ public class BulletinBoardWebApp implements BulletinBoardServer, ServletContextL
public SyncQuery generateSyncQuery(GenerateSyncQueryParams generateSyncQueryParams) throws CommunicationException {
try {
return bulletinBoard.generateSyncQuery(generateSyncQueryParams);
} catch (CommunicationException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
return null;
@ -11,10 +11,6 @@ import java.util.List;
public interface AsyncBulletinBoardClient extends BulletinBoardClient {
public interface MessageHandler {
void handleNewMessages(List<BulletinBoardMessage> messageList);
* Post a message to the bulletin board in an asynchronous manner
* @param msg is the message to be posted
@ -100,11 +96,12 @@ public interface AsyncBulletinBoardClient extends BulletinBoardClient {
public void readBatch(BatchSpecificationMessage batchSpecificationMessage, FutureCallback<CompleteBatch> callback);
* Subscribes to a notifier that will return any new messages on the server that match the given filters
* @param filterList defines the set of filters for message retrieval
* @param messageHandler defines the handler for new messages received
* Perform a Sync Query on the bulletin board
* @param syncQuery defines the query
* @param callback is a callback for handling the result of the query
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, MessageHandler messageHandler);
public void querySync(SyncQuery syncQuery, FutureCallback<SyncQueryResponse> callback);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import meerkat.protobuf.Voting.*;
import static meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.*;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
@ -26,8 +27,6 @@ public interface BulletinBoardClient {
MessageID postMessage(BulletinBoardMessage msg) throws CommunicationException;
* Check how "safe" a given message is in a synchronous manner
* @param id is the unique message identifier for retrieval
@ -40,11 +39,21 @@ public interface BulletinBoardClient {
* Note that if messages haven't been "fully posted", this might return a different
* set of messages in different calls. However, messages that are fully posted
* are guaranteed to be included.
* @param filterList return only messages that match the filters (null means no filtering).
* @param filterList return only messages that match the filters (null means no filtering)
* @return the list of messages
List<BulletinBoardMessage> readMessages(MessageFilterList filterList);
* Create a SyncQuery to test against that corresponds with the current server state for a specific filter list
* Should only be called on instances for which the actual server contacted is known (i.e. there is only one server)
* @param GenerateSyncQueryParams defines the required information needed to generate the query
* These are represented as fractions of the total number of relevant messages
* @return The generated SyncQuery
* @throws CommunicationException when no DB can be contacted
SyncQuery generateSyncQuery(GenerateSyncQueryParams GenerateSyncQueryParams) throws CommunicationException;
* Closes all connections, if any.
* This is done in a synchronous (blocking) way.
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ public interface BulletinBoardConstants {
// Relative addresses for Bulletin Board operations
public static final String BULLETIN_BOARD_SERVER_PATH = "/bbserver";
public static final String GENERATE_SYNC_QUERY_PATH = "/generatesyncquery";
public static final String READ_MESSAGES_PATH = "/readmessages";
public static final String READ_BATCH_PATH = "/readbatch";
public static final String POST_MESSAGE_PATH = "/postmessage";
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import meerkat.comm.CommunicationException;
import meerkat.comm.MessageOutputStream;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.*;
import java.util.Collection;
* Created by Arbel on 07/11/15.
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ public interface BulletinBoardServer{
* @throws CommunicationException on DB connection error
public BoolMsg postMessage(BulletinBoardMessage msg) throws CommunicationException;
* Read all messages posted matching the given filter
* @param filterList return only messages that match the filters (empty list or null means no filtering)
@ -77,6 +79,13 @@ public interface BulletinBoardServer{
public void readBatch(BatchSpecificationMessage message, MessageOutputStream<BatchData> out) throws CommunicationException, IllegalArgumentException;
* Create a SyncQuery to test against that corresponds with the current server state for a specific filter list
* @param generateSyncQueryParams defines the information needed to generate the query
* @return The generated SyncQuery
* @throws CommunicationException on DB connection error
SyncQuery generateSyncQuery(GenerateSyncQueryParams generateSyncQueryParams) throws CommunicationException;
* Queries the database for sync status with respect to a given sync query
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.BulletinBoardMessage;
import meerkat.protobuf.BulletinBoardAPI.MessageFilterList;
import java.util.List;
* Created by Arbel Deutsch Peled on 03-Mar-16.
* This interface defines the behaviour required from a subscription service to Bulletin Board messages
public interface BulletinBoardSubscriber {
* Subscribes to a notifier that will return any new messages on the server that match the given filters
* In case of communication error: the subscription is terminated
* @param filterList defines the set of filters for message retrieval
* @param callback defines how to handle new messages received and/or a failures in communication
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback);
* Subscribes to a notifier that will return any new messages on the server that match the given filters
* In case of communication error: the subscription is terminated
* @param filterList defines the set of filters for message retrieval
* @param startEntry defines the first entry number to consider
* @param callback defines how to handle new messages received and/or a failures in communication
public void subscribe(MessageFilterList filterList, long startEntry, FutureCallback<List<BulletinBoardMessage>> callback);
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard;
* Created by Arbel Deutsch Peled on 08-Mar-16.
* This interface defines the behaviour of a bulletin board synchronizer
* This is used to make sure that data in a specific instance of a bulletin board server is duplicated to a sufficient percentage of the other servers
public interface BulletinBoardSynchronizer extends Runnable{
* @param localClient is a client for the local DB instance
* @param remoteClient is a client for the remote DBs
* @param minRedundancy
public void init(BulletinBoardClient localClient, AsyncBulletinBoardClient remoteClient, float minRedundancy);
public void run();
@ -139,7 +139,12 @@ public class CompleteBatch {
public String toString() {
if (beginBatchMessage == null || beginBatchMessage.getSignerId() == null)
return "Unspecified batch " + super.toString();
return "Batch " + beginBatchMessage.getSignerId().toString() + ":" + beginBatchMessage.getBatchId();
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package meerkat.bulletinboard;
* Created by Arbel Deutsch Peled on 03-Mar-16.
public interface SubscriptionAsyncBulletinBoardClient extends AsyncBulletinBoardClient, BulletinBoardSubscriber {
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
@ -36,35 +38,36 @@ public class BulletinBoardMessageGenerator {
* @param timestamp contains the time used in the message
* @param dataSize is the length of the data contained in the message
* @param tagNumber is the number of tags to generate
* @param tags is a list of initial tags (on top of which more will be added according to the method input)
* @return a random, signed Bulletin Board Message containing random data and tags and the given timestamp
public BulletinBoardMessage generateRandomMessage(DigitalSignature[] signers, Timestamp timestamp, int dataSize, int tagNumber)
throws SignatureException {
public BulletinBoardMessage generateRandomMessage(DigitalSignature[] signers, Timestamp timestamp, int dataSize, int tagNumber, List<String> tags)
throws SignatureException{
// Generate random data.
byte[] data = new byte[dataSize];
String[] tags = new String[tagNumber];
String[] newTags = new String[tagNumber];
for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) {
data[i] = randomByte();
for (int i = 0; i < tagNumber; i++) {
tags[i] = randomString();
newTags[i] = randomString();
UnsignedBulletinBoardMessage unsignedMessage =
BulletinBoardMessage.Builder messageBuilder =
for (int i = 0 ; i < signers.length ; i++) {
@ -75,6 +78,23 @@ public class BulletinBoardMessageGenerator {
* Generates a complete instance of a BulletinBoardMessage
* @param signers contains the (possibly multiple) credentials required to sign the message
* @param timestamp contains the time used in the message
* @param dataSize is the length of the data contained in the message
* @param tagNumber is the number of tags to generate
* @return a random, signed Bulletin Board Message containing random data and tags and the given timestamp
public BulletinBoardMessage generateRandomMessage(DigitalSignature[] signers, Timestamp timestamp, int dataSize, int tagNumber)
throws SignatureException {
List<String> tags = new LinkedList<>();
return generateRandomMessage(signers, timestamp, dataSize, tagNumber, tags);
* Generates a complete instance of a BulletinBoardMessage
* @param signers contains the (possibly multiple) credentials required to sign the message
@ -146,6 +146,18 @@ message SyncQuery {
// This message defines the required information for generation of a SyncQuery instance by the server
message GenerateSyncQueryParams {
// Defines the set of messages required
MessageFilterList filterList = 1;
// Defines the locations in the list of messages to calculate single sync queries for
// The values should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and define the location in fractions of the size of the message set
repeated float breakpointList = 2;
// This message defines the server's response format to a sync query
message SyncQueryResponse {
Reference in New Issue