generic group + wait instead of sleep
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
package Communication;
* A generic commmunication channel that supports point-to-point and broadcast operation
//public interface Channel {
// public interface ReceiverCallback {
// public void receiveMessage(UserID fromUser, boolean isBroadcast, Message message);
// }
// public void sendMessage(UserID destUser, Message msg);
// /**
// * Block until a message is available (optional).
// * @return
// */
// public Message getNextMessageBlocking(long timeout);
// /**
// * Register a callback to handle received messages.
// * The callback is called in the <b>Channel</b> thread, so no long processing should
// * occur in the callback method.
// * @param callback
// */
// public void registerReceiverCallback(ReceiverCallback callback);
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
package Communication;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages.*;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
* Created by Tzlil on 2/7/2016.
* Joint Feldamn protocol assumes all parties can communicate throw broadcast channel
* and private channel (for each pair)
* this class simulates it
// TODO: Delete
// TODO: Move this implementation to tests
public class Network {
protected final User[] users;
protected final int n;
protected final Set<Integer> availableIDs;
public static final int BROADCAST = 0;
public Network(int n) {
this.n = n;
this.users = new User[n];
this.availableIDs = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (int id = 1; id <= n; id++){
public User connect(MailHandler mailHandler,int id){
if (!availableIDs.contains(id))
return null;
users[id - 1] = new User(id,this,mailHandler);
return users[id - 1];
protected boolean sendMessage(User sender,int destination,Mail.Type type,Message message){
if(destination < 1 || destination > n)
return false;
User user = users[destination - 1];
if (user == null)
return false;
Mail mail = Mail.newBuilder()
return user.mailbox.add(mail);
protected void sendBroadcast(User sender,Mail.Type type,Message message){
User user;
Mail mail = Mail.newBuilder()
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
user = users[i];
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
package Communication;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
* Created by Tzlil on 2/14/2016.
// TODO: Change nane to network
public class User{
* My view of
protected final MailHandler mailHandler;
protected final Queue<DKGMessages.Mail> mailbox;
protected final int ID;
protected final Thread receiverThread;
private final Network network;
protected User(int ID, Network network, MailHandler mailHandler) {
this.mailbox = new ArrayBlockingQueue<DKGMessages.Mail>( network.n * network.n * network.n);
this.ID = ID;
this.mailHandler = mailHandler;
this.receiverThread = new Thread(new Receiver());
|||||| = network;
public boolean send(int id, DKGMessages.Mail.Type type, Message message){
return network.sendMessage(this,id,type,message);
public void broadcast(DKGMessages.Mail.Type type, Message message){
public MailHandler getMailHandler(){
return mailHandler;
public void setMessageHandler(MessageHandler messageHandler) {
public int getID() {
return ID;
public Thread getReceiverThread(){
return receiverThread;
private class Receiver implements Runnable{
public void run() {
while (true){
if (!mailbox.isEmpty()){
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
package FeldmanVerifiableSecretSharing;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import ShamirSecretSharing.SecretSharing;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;
* Created by Tzlil on 1/27/2016.
* an implementation of Feldman's verifiable secret sharing scheme.
* allows trusted dealer to share a key x among n parties.
* TODO: Add link to paper
// TODO: Use Group<T> rather than fix to biginteger (allow using EC groups for better comm. complexity)
public class VerifiableSecretSharing extends SecretSharing {
protected final Group<BigInteger> group;
protected final BigInteger g; // public generator of group
protected final BigInteger[] commitmentsArray;
* @param group
* @param q a large prime dividing group order.
* @param g a generator of cyclic group of order q.
* the generated group is a subgroup of the given group.
* it must be chosen such that computing discrete logarithms is hard in this group.
public VerifiableSecretSharing(int t, int n, BigInteger x, Random random, BigInteger q, BigInteger g
, Group<BigInteger> group) {
super(t, n, x, random,q);
this.g = g;
|||||| = group;
assert (;
this.commitmentsArray = generateCommitments();
* TODO: comment
* @return commitments[i] = g ^ polynomial.coefficients[i]
private BigInteger[] generateCommitments() {
Polynomial polynomial = getPolynomial();
BigInteger[] coefficients = polynomial.getCoefficients();
BigInteger[] commitments = new BigInteger[coefficients.length];
for (int i = 0 ; i < commitments.length;i++){
commitments[i] = group.multiply(g,coefficients[i]);
return commitments;
* Compute verification value (g^{share value}) using coefficient commitments sent by dealer and my share id.
* @param j my share holder id
* @param commitments commitments to polynomial coefficients of share (received from dealer)
* @param group
* @return product of Aik ^ (j ^ k) == g ^ polynomial(i)
public static BigInteger computeVerificationValue(int j, BigInteger[] commitments, Group<BigInteger> group) {
BigInteger v =;
BigInteger power = BigInteger.ONE;
BigInteger J = BigInteger.valueOf(j);
for (int k = 0 ; k < commitments.length ; k ++){
v = group.add(v,group.multiply(commitments[k],power));
power = power.multiply(J);
return v;
// TODO: Add verify method.
* getter
* @return generator of group
public BigInteger getGenerator() {
return g;
* getter
* @return group
public Group<BigInteger> getGroup(){
return group;
* getter
* @return copy of commitmentsArray
public BigInteger[] getCommitmentsArray() {
return Arrays.copyOf(commitmentsArray, commitmentsArray.length);
@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
package SecureDistributedKeyGenerationForDiscreteLogBasedCryptosystem;
import Communication.User;
import FeldmanVerifiableSecretSharing.VerifiableSecretSharing;
import JointFeldmanProtocol.DistributedKeyGeneration;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/16/2016.
* TODO: comments
* TODO: put Channel (User) in constructor
public class SecureDistributedKeyGeneration extends DistributedKeyGeneration {
private VerifiableSecretSharing maskingShares;
private final BigInteger h;
private SecureDistributedKeyGenerationParty[] parties;
public SecureDistributedKeyGeneration(int t, int n, BigInteger zi, Random random, BigInteger q, BigInteger g
, BigInteger h, Group<BigInteger> group, int id) {
super(t, n, zi, random, q, g, group, id);
this.h = h;
BigInteger r = new BigInteger(q.bitLength(),random).mod(q);
this.maskingShares = new VerifiableSecretSharing(t,n,r,random,q,h,group);
this.parties = new SecureDistributedKeyGenerationParty[n];
for (int i = 1; i <= n ; i++){
this.parties[i - 1] = new SecureDistributedKeyGenerationParty(i,n,t);
this.parties[id - 1].share = getShare(id);
this.parties[id - 1].shareT = maskingShares.getShare(id);
protected SecureDistributedKeyGenerationParty[] getParties(){
return parties;
protected void setParties(SecureDistributedKeyGenerationParty[] parties) {
this.parties = parties;
public void sendSecret(User user, int j) {
Polynomial.Point secret = getShare(j);
Polynomial.Point secretT = maskingShares.getShare(j);
DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage doubleSecretMessage = doubleShareMessage(id,j,secret,secretT);
user.send(j, DKGMessages.Mail.Type.SECRET, doubleSecretMessage);
public boolean isValidShare(int i){
SecureDistributedKeyGenerationParty party = parties[i - 1];
return isValidShare(party.share, party.shareT, party.verifiableValues, id);
* TODO: comment
* @param share
* @param shareT
* @param verificationValues
* @param j
* @return computeVerificationValue(j,verificationValues,group) == (g ^ share.y) * (h ^ shareT.y) mod q
public boolean isValidShare(Polynomial.Point share, Polynomial.Point shareT, BigInteger[] verificationValues, int j){
try {
BigInteger v = computeVerificationValue(j, verificationValues, group);
BigInteger exp = group.add(group.multiply(g, share.y), group.multiply(h, shareT.y));
return exp.equals(v);
catch (NullPointerException e){
return false;
// TODO: comment
private void broadcastComplaint(User user,Polynomial.Point share,Polynomial.Point shareT,int i){
DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage complaint = doubleShareMessage(i,id,share,shareT);
* stage4.3 according to the protocol
* if check fails for index i, Pj
public void computeAndBroadcastComplaints(User user, Set<Integer> QUAL){
SecureDistributedKeyGenerationParty party;
for (int i : QUAL) {
party = parties[i - 1];
if (i != id) {
if (!super.isValidSecret(party.share, party.commitments, id)) {
broadcastComplaint(user, party.share, party.shareT, i);
public void broadcastVerificationValues(User user){
BigInteger[] verificationValues = new BigInteger[t + 1];
BigInteger[] hBaseCommitments = maskingShares.getCommitmentsArray();
for (int k = 0 ; k < verificationValues.length ; k++){
verificationValues[k] = group.add(commitmentsArray[k],hBaseCommitments[k]);
private DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage doubleShareMessage(int i, int j, Polynomial.Point secret, Polynomial.Point secretT){
DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage doubleSecretMessage = DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage.newBuilder()
return doubleSecretMessage;
public void broadcastComplaintAnswer(User user, int j) {
DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage answer = doubleShareMessage(id,j,getShare(j)
, maskingShares.getShare(j));
public void broadcastAnswer(User user,Polynomial.Point secret,Polynomial.Point secretT,int i){
DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage complaint = doubleShareMessage(i,id,secret,secretT);
public BigInteger getH() {
return h;
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
package SecureDistributedKeyGenerationForDiscreteLogBasedCryptosystem;
import JointFeldmanProtocol.DistributedKeyGenerationParty;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/16/2016.
* an extension of DistributedKeyGenerationParty
* contains all relevant information on specific party during
* the run of the safe protocol
public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationParty extends DistributedKeyGenerationParty {
public Polynomial.Point shareT;
public boolean ysDoneFlag;
public BigInteger[] verifiableValues;
public Set<Polynomial.Point> restoreSharesSet;
public SecureDistributedKeyGenerationParty(int id, int n, int t) {
super(id, n, t);
this.shareT = null;
this.ysDoneFlag = false;
this.verifiableValues = new BigInteger[t + 1];
this.restoreSharesSet = new HashSet<Polynomial.Point>();
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
package UserInterface;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by Tzlil on 2/21/2016.
public interface DistributedKeyGenerationUser extends VerifiableSecretSharingUser {
BigInteger getPublicValue();
Set<Integer> getQUAL();
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
package UserInterface;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
* Created by Tzlil on 2/21/2016.
public interface SecretSharingUser extends Runnable {
Polynomial.Point getShare();
int getID();
int getN();
int getT();
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
package UserInterface;
import UserInterface.SecretSharingUser;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import java.math.BigInteger;
* Created by Tzlil on 2/21/2016.
public interface VerifiableSecretSharingUser extends SecretSharingUser {
BigInteger[] getCommitments();
BigInteger getGenerator();
Group<BigInteger> getGroup();
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package meerkat.crypto;
import java.util.Random;
* Created by Tzlil on 4/8/2016.
public interface KeyGeneration<T> {
T generateKey(Random random);
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package meerkat.crypto;
* Created by Tzlil on 4/8/2016.
public class SecretSharing {
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.Communication;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Channel;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
* Created by Tzlil on 2/14/2016.
// TODO: Change nane to network
public class ChannelImpl implements Channel {
public static int BROADCAST = 0;
private static ChannelImpl[] channels = null;
protected final Queue<DKGMessages.Mail> mailbox;
protected final int id;
protected final int n;
protected Thread receiverThread;
public ChannelImpl(int id, int n) {
if (channels == null){
channels = new ChannelImpl[n];
this.mailbox = new ArrayBlockingQueue<DKGMessages.Mail>( n * n * n);
| = id;
this.n = n;
channels[id - 1] = this;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void sendMessage(int destUser, DKGMessages.Mail.Type type, Message msg) {
if(destUser < 1 || destUser > n)
ChannelImpl channel = channels[destUser - 1];
if (channel == null)
DKGMessages.Mail mail = DKGMessages.Mail.newBuilder()
synchronized (channel.mailbox) {
public void broadcastMessage(DKGMessages.Mail.Type type,Message msg) {
ChannelImpl channel;
DKGMessages.Mail mail = DKGMessages.Mail.newBuilder()
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
channel = channels[i];
synchronized (channel.mailbox) {
public void registerReceiverCallback(final ReceiverCallback callback) {
}catch (Exception e){
//do nothing
receiverThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while (true){
try {
synchronized (mailbox) {
while (!mailbox.isEmpty()) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//do nothing
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
package Communication;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.Communication;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Channel;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
* Created by Tzlil on 2/14/2016.
* Created by Tzlil on 2/14/2016.
public abstract class MailHandler {
public abstract class MailHandler implements Channel.ReceiverCallback{
private MessageHandler messageHandler;
private MessageHandler messageHandler;
public MailHandler(MessageHandler messageHandler){
public MailHandler(MessageHandler messageHandler){
@ -15,35 +16,35 @@ public abstract class MailHandler {
public abstract Message extractMessage(DKGMessages.Mail mail);
public abstract Message extractMessage(DKGMessages.Mail mail);
public void handel(DKGMessages.Mail mail){
public void receiveMail(DKGMessages.Mail mail){
Message message = extractMessage(mail);
Message message = extractMessage(mail);
if (message == null)
if (message == null)
switch (mail.getType()) {
switch (mail.getType()) {
case SECRET:
case SHARE:
messageHandler.handleSecretMessage(mail.getSender(), mail.getDestination() == Network.BROADCAST
messageHandler.handleSecretMessage(mail.getSender(), mail.getDestination() == ChannelImpl.BROADCAST
, message);
, message);
messageHandler.handleCommitmentMessage(mail.getSender(), mail.getDestination() == Network.BROADCAST
messageHandler.handleCommitmentMessage(mail.getSender(), mail.getDestination() == ChannelImpl.BROADCAST
, message);
, message);
case DONE:
case DONE:
messageHandler.handleDoneMessage(mail.getSender(), mail.getDestination() == Network.BROADCAST
messageHandler.handleDoneMessage(mail.getSender(), mail.getDestination() == ChannelImpl.BROADCAST
, message);
, message);
messageHandler.handleComplaintMessage(mail.getSender(), mail.getDestination() == Network.BROADCAST
messageHandler.handleComplaintMessage(mail.getSender(), mail.getDestination() == ChannelImpl.BROADCAST
, message);
, message);
case ANSWER:
case ANSWER:
messageHandler.handleAnswerMessage(mail.getSender(), mail.getDestination() == Network.BROADCAST
messageHandler.handleAnswerMessage(mail.getSender(), mail.getDestination() == ChannelImpl.BROADCAST
, message);
, message);
case ABORT:
case ABORT:
messageHandler.handleAbortMessage(mail.getSender(), mail.getDestination() == Network.BROADCAST
messageHandler.handleAbortMessage(mail.getSender(), mail.getDestination() == ChannelImpl.BROADCAST
, message);
, message);
@ -52,7 +53,4 @@ public abstract class MailHandler {
public void setMessageHandler(MessageHandler messageHandler) {
this.messageHandler = messageHandler;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package Communication;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.Communication;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package SecureDistributedKeyGenerationForDiscreteLogBasedCryptosystem;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.gjkr_secure_protocol;
import Communication.MailHandler;
import Communication.MailHandler;
import Communication.MessageHandler;
import Communication.MessageHandler;
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
* Created by Tzlil on 2/29/2016.
* Created by Tzlil on 2/29/2016.
public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationMailHandler extends MailHandler {
public class MailHandler extends Communication.MailHandler {
private boolean isStage4;
private boolean isStage4;
public SecureDistributedKeyGenerationMailHandler(MessageHandler messageHandler) {
public MailHandler(MessageHandler messageHandler) {
this.isStage4 = false;
this.isStage4 = false;
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationMailHandler extends MailHandler {
try {
try {
Message message;
Message message;
switch (mail.getType()) {
switch (mail.getType()) {
case SECRET:
case SHARE:
message = DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.CommitmentMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.CommitmentMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationMailHandler extends MailHandler {
message = DKGMessages.IDMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.IDMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
case DONE:
case DONE:
message = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
case ANSWER:
case ANSWER:
message = DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
case ABORT:
case ABORT:
message = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.gjkr_secure_protocol;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol.DistributedKeyGenerationParty;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/16/2016.
* an extension of DistributedKeyGenerationParty
* contains all relevant information on specific party during
* the run of the safe protocol
public class Party<T> extends DistributedKeyGenerationParty<T> {
public Polynomial.Point shareT;
public boolean ysDoneFlag;
public ArrayList<T> verifiableValues;
public Set<Polynomial.Point> recoverSharesSet;
public Party(int id, int n, int t) {
super(id, n, t);
this.shareT = null;
this.ysDoneFlag = false;
this.verifiableValues = new ArrayList<T>(this.commitments);
this.recoverSharesSet = new HashSet<Polynomial.Point>();
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.gjkr_secure_protocol;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.feldman_verifiable.VerifiableSecretSharing;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol.Protocol;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import org.factcenter.qilin.util.ByteEncoder;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/16/2016.
* TODO: comments
* TODO: put Channel (ChannelImpl) in constructor
public class Protocol<T> extends meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol.Protocol<T> {
private VerifiableSecretSharing<T> maskingShares;
private final T h;
private Party<T>[] parties;
public Protocol(int t, int n, BigInteger zi, Random random, BigInteger q, T g
, T h, Group<T> group, int id, ByteEncoder<T> byteEncoder) {
super(t, n, zi, random, q, g, group, id,byteEncoder);
this.h = h;
BigInteger r = new BigInteger(q.bitLength(),random).mod(q);
this.maskingShares = new VerifiableSecretSharing(t,n,r,random,q,h,group);
this.parties = new Party[n];
for (int i = 1; i <= n ; i++){
this.parties[i - 1] = new Party(i,n,t);
this.parties[id - 1].share = getShare(id);
this.parties[id - 1].shareT = maskingShares.getShare(id);
protected Party[] getParties(){
return parties;
protected void setParties(Party[] parties) {
this.parties = parties;
public void sendSecret(int j) {
Polynomial.Point secret = getShare(j);
Polynomial.Point secretT = maskingShares.getShare(j);
DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage doubleSecretMessage = doubleShareMessage(id,j,secret,secretT);
// TODO: Change SHARE to SHARE
channel.sendMessage(j, DKGMessages.Mail.Type.SHARE, doubleSecretMessage);
public boolean isValidShare(int i){
Party party = parties[i - 1];
return isValidShare(party.share, party.shareT, party.verifiableValues, id);
* test if share, shareT are valid with respect to verificationValues
* @param share
* @param shareT
* @param verificationValues
* @param j
* @return computeVerificationValue(j,verificationValues,group) == (g ^ share.y) * (h ^ shareT.y) mod q
public boolean isValidShare(Polynomial.Point share, Polynomial.Point shareT, ArrayList<T> verificationValues, int j){
try {
T v = computeVerificationValue(j, verificationValues, group);
T exp = group.add(group.multiply(g, share.y), group.multiply(h, shareT.y));
return exp.equals(v);
catch (NullPointerException e){
return false;
* create complaint message against i and broadcast it
* @param share
* @param shareT
* @param i
private void broadcastComplaint(Polynomial.Point share, Polynomial.Point shareT, int i){
DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage complaint = doubleShareMessage(i,id,share,shareT);
* stage4.3 according to the protocol
* if check fails for index i, Pj
public void computeAndBroadcastComplaints(Set<Integer> QUAL){
Party party;
for (int i : QUAL) {
party = parties[i - 1];
if (i != id) {
if (!super.isValidShare(party.share, party.commitments, id)) {
broadcastComplaint(party.share, party.shareT, i);
* compute verification values and broadcast them
* verificationValues[k] = g ^ commitments [k] * h ^ maskingShares.commitments [k]
public void computeAndBroadcastVerificationValues(){
ArrayList<T> verificationValues = new ArrayList<T>(t+1);
ArrayList<T> hBaseCommitments = maskingShares.getCommitmentsArrayList();
for (int k = 0 ; k <= t ; k++){
* pack share, shareT i,j to doubleShareMessage
* @param i
* @param j
* @param share
* @param shareT
* @return
private DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage doubleShareMessage(int i, int j, Polynomial.Point share, Polynomial.Point shareT){
DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage doubleShareMessage = DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage.newBuilder()
return doubleShareMessage;
public void broadcastComplaintAnswer(int j) {
DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage answer = doubleShareMessage(id,j,getShare(j)
, maskingShares.getShare(j));
public void broadcastAnswer(Polynomial.Point secret, Polynomial.Point secretT, int i){
DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage complaint = doubleShareMessage(i,id,secret,secretT);
* getter
* @return h
public T getH() {
return h;
@ -1,37 +1,40 @@
package SecureDistributedKeyGenerationForDiscreteLogBasedCryptosystem;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.gjkr_secure_protocol;
import Arithmetics.Arithmetic;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Arithmetic;
import Arithmetics.Fp;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.concrete.Fp;
import Communication.Network;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Channel;
import JointFeldmanProtocol.DistributedKeyGeneration;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol.User;
import JointFeldmanProtocol.DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.SecretSharing;
import ShamirSecretSharing.SecretSharing;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/16/2016.
* Created by Tzlil on 3/16/2016.
public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl {
public class User<T> extends meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol.User<T> {
protected SecureDistributedKeyGenerationParty[] parties;
protected Party<T>[] parties;
protected final SecureDistributedKeyGeneration sdkg;
protected final Protocol<T> sdkg;
private Arithmetic<BigInteger> arithmetic;
private Arithmetic<BigInteger> arithmetic;
private boolean isStage4;
private boolean isStage4;
public SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl(SecureDistributedKeyGeneration sdkg, Network network) {
public User(Protocol sdkg, Channel channel) {
super(sdkg, network,new SecureDistributedKeyGenerationMailHandler(null));
super(sdkg, channel);
this.sdkg = sdkg;
this.sdkg = sdkg;
this.messageHandler = new MessageHandler();
this.parties = sdkg.getParties();
this.parties = sdkg.getParties();
this.arithmetic = new Fp(sdkg.getQ());
this.arithmetic = new Fp(sdkg.getQ());
this.isStage4 = false;
this.isStage4 = false;
protected void registerReceiverCallback(){
this.mailHandler = new MailHandler(new MessageHandler());
* stage1 according to the protocol
* stage1 according to the protocol
* 1. Pi broadcasts Cik=Aik*Bik for k = 0,...,t.
* 1. Pi broadcasts Cik=Aik*Bik for k = 0,...,t.
@ -39,15 +42,15 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
protected void stage1() {
protected void stage1() {
protected void waitUntilStageOneCompleted(){
protected void waitUntilStageOneCompleted(){
// save the received commitments as verification values
// save the received commitments as verification values
BigInteger[] temp;
ArrayList<T> temp;
for (int i = 0 ; i < n; i++){
for (int i = 0 ; i < n; i++){
temp = parties[i].verifiableValues;
temp = parties[i].verifiableValues;
parties[i].verifiableValues = parties[i].commitments;
parties[i].verifiableValues = parties[i].commitments;
@ -63,40 +66,45 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
protected void stage2(){
protected void stage2(){
//broadcast done message after all complaints
//broadcast done message after all complaints
DKGMessages.EmptyMessage doneMessage = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.newBuilder().build();
DKGMessages.EmptyMessage doneMessage = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.newBuilder().build();
// TODO: ??
* broadcast commitments and recover parties information if necessary
private void resolveQualifyingPublicKey(){
private void resolveQualifyingPublicKey(){
// wait until all parties in QUAL broadcast their commitments or aborted
// wait until all parties in QUAL broadcast their commitments or aborted
// TODO: in main run loop
for (int i:QUAL) {
for (int i:QUAL) {
for(int k = 0; k <= t; k++) {
for(int k = 0; k <= t; k++) {
while (parties[i - 1].commitments[k] == null && !parties[i - 1].aborted) {
synchronized (parties[i - 1]) {
try {
while (parties[i - 1].commitments.get(k) == null && !parties[i - 1].aborted) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
parties[i - 1].wait();
// do nothing
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//do nothing
//broadcast done message after all complaints
//broadcast done message after all complaints
DKGMessages.EmptyMessage doneMessage = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.newBuilder().build();
DKGMessages.EmptyMessage doneMessage = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.newBuilder().build();
// wait until all parties in QUAL done or aborted
// wait until all parties in QUAL done or aborted
for (int i:QUAL) {
for (int i:QUAL) {
while (!parties[i - 1].ysDoneFlag && !parties[i - 1].aborted) {
synchronized ((parties[i - 1])) {
try {
while (!parties[i - 1].ysDoneFlag && !parties[i - 1].aborted) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
parties[i - 1].wait();
// do nothing
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//do nothing
@ -104,17 +112,19 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
// broadcast i private secret foreach i in QUAL that aborted
// broadcast i private secret foreach i in QUAL that aborted
for (int i:QUAL) {
for (int i:QUAL) {
if(parties[i - 1].aborted){
if(parties[i - 1].aborted){
sdkg.broadcastAnswer(user, parties[i - 1].share, parties[i - 1].shareT, i);
sdkg.broadcastAnswer(parties[i - 1].share, parties[i - 1].shareT, i);
// wait until at least t + 1 secrets will received foreach i in QUAL that aborted
// wait until at least t + 1 secrets will received foreach i in QUAL that aborted
for (int i:QUAL) {
for (int i:QUAL) {
if(parties[i - 1].aborted){
synchronized ((parties[i - 1])) {
while (parties[i - 1].restoreSharesSet.size() <= t) {
if (parties[i - 1].aborted) {
try {
while (parties[i - 1].recoverSharesSet.size() <= t) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
parties[i - 1].wait();
// do nothing
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//do nothing
@ -122,12 +132,12 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
// restore necessary information
// restore necessary information
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++) {
Polynomial.Point[] shares = new Polynomial.Point[t + 1];
Polynomial.Point[] shares = new Polynomial.Point[t + 1];
int j = 0;
int j = 0;
for (Polynomial.Point share: parties[i].restoreSharesSet){
for (Polynomial.Point share: parties[i].recoverSharesSet){
shares[j++] = share;
shares[j++] = share;
if (j >= shares.length){
if (j >= shares.length){
@ -136,7 +146,7 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
Polynomial polynomial = SecretSharing.recoverPolynomial(shares,arithmetic);
Polynomial polynomial = SecretSharing.recoverPolynomial(shares,arithmetic);
BigInteger[] coefficients = polynomial.getCoefficients();
BigInteger[] coefficients = polynomial.getCoefficients();
for (int k = 0 ; k <= t; k++){
for (int k = 0 ; k <= t; k++){
parties[i].commitments[k] = group.multiply(g,coefficients[k]);
parties[i].share = new Polynomial.Point(BigInteger.valueOf(id),polynomial);
parties[i].share = new Polynomial.Point(BigInteger.valueOf(id),polynomial);
@ -147,9 +157,7 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
protected void setStage4(){
protected void setStage4(){
this.isStage4 = true;
this.isStage4 = true;
SecureDistributedKeyGenerationMailHandler handler =
@ -159,13 +167,13 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
private class MessageHandler extends DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl.MessageHandler{
private class MessageHandler extends meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol.User.MessageHandler {
* as in super, with extension to double secret message
* as in super, with extension to double secret message
protected boolean isValidSecretMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage doubleSecretMessage) {
protected boolean isValidSecretMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage doubleSecretMessage) {
DKGMessages.SecretMessage secretMessage = DKGMessages.SecretMessage.newBuilder()
DKGMessages.ShareMessage secretMessage = DKGMessages.ShareMessage.newBuilder()
@ -178,11 +186,14 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
public void handleSecretMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, Message message) {
public void handleSecretMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, Message message) {
DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage doubleSecretMessage = (DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage)message;
DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage doubleSecretMessage = (DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage)message;
if (isValidSecretMessage(sender,isBroadcast,doubleSecretMessage)) {
if (isValidSecretMessage(sender,isBroadcast,doubleSecretMessage)) {
int i = doubleSecretMessage.getI();
int i = doubleSecretMessage.getI();
parties[i - 1].share = extractSecret(id, doubleSecretMessage.getSecret());
synchronized (parties[i - 1]) {
parties[i - 1].shareT = extractSecret(id, doubleSecretMessage.getSecretT());
parties[i - 1].share = extractShare(id, doubleSecretMessage.getSecret());
parties[i - 1].shareT = extractShare(id, doubleSecretMessage.getSecretT());
parties[i - 1].notify();
@ -193,9 +204,9 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
* 2. secret.j == sender
* 2. secret.j == sender
* 3. QUAL contains i and j
* 3. QUAL contains i and j
protected boolean isValidAnswerMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage doubleSecretMessage) {
protected boolean isValidAnswerMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage doubleSecretMessage) {
if(!isStage4) {
if(!isStage4) {
DKGMessages.SecretMessage secretMessage = DKGMessages.SecretMessage.newBuilder()
DKGMessages.ShareMessage secretMessage = DKGMessages.ShareMessage.newBuilder()
@ -215,26 +226,28 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
public void handleAnswerMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, Message message) {
public void handleAnswerMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, Message message) {
DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage doubleSecretMessage = (DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage)message;
DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage doubleSecretMessage = (DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage)message;
if(isValidAnswerMessage(sender,isBroadcast,doubleSecretMessage)) {
if(isValidAnswerMessage(sender,isBroadcast,doubleSecretMessage)) {
int i = doubleSecretMessage.getI();
int i = doubleSecretMessage.getI();
int j = doubleSecretMessage.getJ();
int j = doubleSecretMessage.getJ();
Polynomial.Point secret = extractSecret(j, doubleSecretMessage.getSecret());
Polynomial.Point secret = extractShare(j, doubleSecretMessage.getSecret());
Polynomial.Point secretT = extractSecret(j, doubleSecretMessage.getSecretT());
Polynomial.Point secretT = extractShare(j, doubleSecretMessage.getSecretT());
if (!isStage4) {
synchronized (parties[i - 1]) {
if (sdkg.isValidShare(secret, secretT, parties[j - 1].verifiableValues, i)) {
if (!isStage4) {
parties[i - 1].complaints[j - 1] = DistributedKeyGeneration.ComplaintState.NonDisqualified;
if (sdkg.isValidShare(secret, secretT, parties[j - 1].verifiableValues, i)) {
parties[i - 1].complaints[j - 1] = meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol.Protocol.ComplaintState.NonDisqualified;
} else {
} else {
parties[i - 1].complaints[j - 1] = DistributedKeyGeneration.ComplaintState.Disqualified;
parties[i - 1].complaints[j - 1] = meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol.Protocol.ComplaintState.Disqualified;
if (j == id) {
parties[i - 1].share = secret;
parties[i - 1].shareT = secretT;
} else if (sdkg.isValidShare(secret, secretT, parties[i - 1].verifiableValues, j)) {
parties[i - 1].recoverSharesSet.add(secret);
if(j == id){
parties[i - 1].notify();
parties[i - 1].share = secret;
parties[i - 1].shareT = secretT;
} else if (sdkg.isValidShare(secret, secretT, parties[j - 1].verifiableValues, i)) {
// TODO: Check that this is ok
parties[i - 1].restoreSharesSet.add(secret);
@ -260,7 +273,10 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
super.handleDoneMessage(sender, isBroadcast, message);
super.handleDoneMessage(sender, isBroadcast, message);
if(isValidDoneMessage(sender,isBroadcast)) {
if(isValidDoneMessage(sender,isBroadcast)) {
parties[sender - 1].ysDoneFlag = true;
synchronized (parties[sender - 1]) {
parties[sender - 1].ysDoneFlag = true;
parties[sender - 1].notify();
@ -273,7 +289,7 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
* 3. QUAL contains i and j
* 3. QUAL contains i and j
protected boolean isValidComplaintMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast,
protected boolean isValidComplaintMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast,
DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage complaintMessage){
DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage complaintMessage){
int i = complaintMessage.getI();
int i = complaintMessage.getI();
int j = complaintMessage.getJ();
int j = complaintMessage.getJ();
return isBroadcast && j == sender && QUAL.contains(i) && QUAL.contains(j);
return isBroadcast && j == sender && QUAL.contains(i) && QUAL.contains(j);
@ -290,15 +306,18 @@ public class SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenera
if(!isStage4) {
if(!isStage4) {
super.handleComplaintMessage(sender, isBroadcast, message);
super.handleComplaintMessage(sender, isBroadcast, message);
}else {
}else {
DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage ysComplaintMessage =(DKGMessages.DoubleSecretMessage)message;
DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage ysComplaintMessage =(DKGMessages.DoubleShareMessage)message;
if (isValidComplaintMessage(sender,isBroadcast,ysComplaintMessage)) {
if (isValidComplaintMessage(sender,isBroadcast,ysComplaintMessage)) {
int i = ysComplaintMessage.getI();
int i = ysComplaintMessage.getI();
int j = ysComplaintMessage.getJ();
int j = ysComplaintMessage.getJ();
Polynomial.Point secret = extractSecret(i,ysComplaintMessage.getSecret());
Polynomial.Point secret = extractShare(i,ysComplaintMessage.getSecret());
Polynomial.Point secretT = extractSecret(i,ysComplaintMessage.getSecretT());
Polynomial.Point secretT = extractShare(i,ysComplaintMessage.getSecretT());
if (sdkg.isValidShare(secret, secretT, parties[i - 1].verifiableValues, j)
if (sdkg.isValidShare(secret, secretT, parties[i - 1].verifiableValues, j)
&& !dkg.isValidSecret(secret,parties[i - 1].commitments, j)) {
&& !dkg.isValidShare(secret,parties[i - 1].commitments, j)) {
parties[i - 1].aborted = true;
synchronized (parties[i - 1]) {
parties[i - 1].aborted = true;
parties[i - 1].notify();
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package JointFeldmanProtocol;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol;
import Communication.MailHandler;
import Communication.MailHandler;
import Communication.MessageHandler;
import Communication.MessageHandler;
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
* Created by Tzlil on 2/29/2016.
* Created by Tzlil on 2/29/2016.
public class DistributedKeyGenerationMailHandler extends MailHandler {
public class MailHandler extends Communication.MailHandler {
public DistributedKeyGenerationMailHandler(MessageHandler messageHandler) {
public MailHandler(MessageHandler messageHandler) {
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationMailHandler extends MailHandler {
try {
try {
Message message;
Message message;
switch (mail.getType()) {
switch (mail.getType()) {
case SECRET:
case SHARE:
message = DKGMessages.SecretMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.ShareMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.CommitmentMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.CommitmentMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationMailHandler extends MailHandler {
message = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
case ANSWER:
case ANSWER:
message = DKGMessages.SecretMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.ShareMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
case ABORT:
case ABORT:
message = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
message = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.parseFrom(mail.getMessage());
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package JointFeldmanProtocol;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Arrays;
@ -12,21 +12,24 @@ import java.util.Arrays;
* the run of Joint Feldamn protocol
* the run of Joint Feldamn protocol
// TODO: comments for every field.
// TODO: comments for every field.
public class DistributedKeyGenerationParty {
public class Party<T> {
public final int id;
public final int id;
public Polynomial.Point share;
public Polynomial.Point share;
public BigInteger[] commitments;
public ArrayList<T> commitments;
public boolean doneFlag;
public boolean doneFlag;
public DistributedKeyGeneration.ComplaintState[] complaints;
public DistributedKeyGeneration.ComplaintState[] complaints;
public boolean aborted;
public boolean aborted;
public DistributedKeyGenerationParty(int id, int n, int t) {
public Party(int id, int n, int t) {
|||||| = id;
| = id;
this.share = null;
this.share = null;
this.doneFlag = false;
this.doneFlag = false;
this.complaints = new DistributedKeyGeneration.ComplaintState[n];
this.complaints = new DistributedKeyGeneration.ComplaintState[n];
Arrays.fill(this.complaints, DistributedKeyGeneration.ComplaintState.OK);
Arrays.fill(this.complaints, DistributedKeyGeneration.ComplaintState.OK);
this.commitments = new BigInteger[t + 1];
this.commitments = new ArrayList<T>(t + 1);
for (int i = 0; i <= t ; i++){
this.aborted = false;
this.aborted = false;
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
package JointFeldmanProtocol;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol;
import Communication.User;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Channel;
import FeldmanVerifiableSecretSharing.VerifiableSecretSharing;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.feldman_verifiable.VerifiableSecretSharing;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import org.factcenter.qilin.util.ByteEncoder;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/14/2016.
* Created by Tzlil on 3/14/2016.
* an implementation of JointFeldman distributed key generation protocol.
* allows set of n parties to generate random key with threshold t.
// TODO: Lots of comments...
public class Protocol<T> extends VerifiableSecretSharing<T> {
// TODO: User Channel instead of User
public class DistributedKeyGeneration extends VerifiableSecretSharing {
public enum ComplaintState {
public enum ComplaintState {
* No complaints, no response required at this point.
* No complaints, no response required at this point.
@ -50,26 +50,66 @@ public class DistributedKeyGeneration extends VerifiableSecretSharing {
* All parties participating in key generation.
* All parties participating in key generation.
* parties[id-1] has my info.
* parties[id-1] has my info.
private DistributedKeyGenerationParty[] parties;
private Party<T>[] parties;
* communication object
protected Channel channel;
// TODO: Copy comment
public DistributedKeyGeneration(int t, int n, BigInteger zi, Random random, BigInteger q, BigInteger g
* Encode/Decode group elements
, Group<BigInteger> group, int id) {
protected final ByteEncoder<T> encoder;
* constructor
* @param q a large prime.
* @param t threshold. Any t+1 share holders can recover the secret,
* but any set of at most t share holders cannot
* @param n number of share holders
* @param zi secret, chosen from Zq
* @param random use for generate random polynomial
* @param group
* @param q a large prime dividing group order.
* @param g a generator of cyclic group of order q.
* the generated group is a subgroup of the given group.
* it must be chosen such that computing discrete logarithms is hard in this group.
public Protocol(int t, int n, BigInteger zi, Random random, BigInteger q, T g
, Group<T> group, int id, ByteEncoder<T> byteEncoder) {
super(t, n, zi, random, q, g,group);
super(t, n, zi, random, q, g,group);
|||||| = id;
| = id;
this.parties = new DistributedKeyGenerationParty[n];
this.parties = new Party[n];
for (int i = 1; i <= n ; i++){
for (int i = 1; i <= n ; i++){
this.parties[i - 1] = new DistributedKeyGenerationParty(i,n,t);
this.parties[i - 1] = new Party(i,n,t);
this.parties[id - 1].share = getShare(id);
this.parties[id - 1].share = getShare(id);
this.encoder = byteEncoder;
protected void setParties(DistributedKeyGenerationParty[] parties){
* setter
* @param channel
public void setChannel(Channel channel){
| = channel;
* setter
* @param parties
protected void setParties(Party[] parties){
this.parties = parties;
this.parties = parties;
protected DistributedKeyGenerationParty[] getParties(){
* getter
* @return
protected Party[] getParties(){
return parties;
return parties;
@ -77,30 +117,33 @@ public class DistributedKeyGeneration extends VerifiableSecretSharing {
* stage1.1 according to the protocol
* stage1.1 according to the protocol
* Pi broadcasts Aik for k = 0,...,t.
* Pi broadcasts Aik for k = 0,...,t.
public void broadcastCommitments(User user){
public void broadcastCommitments(){
public void broadcastCommitments(User user, BigInteger[] commitments){
* pack commitments as messages and broadcast them
* @param commitments
public void broadcastCommitments(ArrayList<T> commitments){
DKGMessages.CommitmentMessage commitmentMessage;
DKGMessages.CommitmentMessage commitmentMessage;
for (int k = 0; k <= t ; k++){
for (int k = 0; k <= t ; k++){
commitmentMessage = DKGMessages.CommitmentMessage.newBuilder()
commitmentMessage = DKGMessages.CommitmentMessage.newBuilder()
user.broadcast(DKGMessages.Mail.Type.COMMITMENT, commitmentMessage);
channel.broadcastMessage(DKGMessages.Mail.Type.COMMITMENT, commitmentMessage);
* Send user j her secret share (of my polynomial)
* Send channel j her secret share (of my polynomial)
* @param user
* @param j
* @param j
public void sendSecret(User user, int j){
public void sendSecret(int j){
ByteString secret = ByteString.copyFrom(getShare(j).y.toByteArray());
ByteString secret = ByteString.copyFrom(getShare(j).y.toByteArray());
user.send(j, DKGMessages.Mail.Type.SECRET,
channel.sendMessage(j, DKGMessages.Mail.Type.SHARE,
@ -111,35 +154,34 @@ public class DistributedKeyGeneration extends VerifiableSecretSharing {
* stage1.2 according to the protocol
* stage1.2 according to the protocol
* Pi computes the shares Sij for j = 1,...,n and sends Sij secretly to Pj.
* Pi computes the shares Sij for j = 1,...,n and sends Sij secretly to Pj.
public void sendSecrets(User user){
public void sendSecrets(){
for (int j = 1; j <= n ; j++){
for (int j = 1; j <= n ; j++){
if(j != id){
if(j != id){
* TODO: comment
* @param i
* @param i
* @return
* @return computeVerificationValue(j,parties[i - 1].commitments,group) == g ^ parties[i - 1].share mod q
public boolean isValidSecret(int i){
public boolean isValidShare(int i){
DistributedKeyGenerationParty party = parties[i - 1];
Party<T> party = parties[i - 1];
return isValidSecret(party.share,party.commitments,id);
return isValidShare(party.share,party.commitments,id);
* TODO: Move to VerifiableSecretSharing
* @param share
* @param secret
* @param commitments
* @param commitments
* @param j
* @param j
* @return computeVerificationValue(j,commitments,group) == g ^ secret.y mod q
* @return computeVerificationValue(j,commitments,group) == g ^ secret.y mod q
public boolean isValidSecret(Polynomial.Point secret, BigInteger[] commitments, int j){
public boolean isValidShare(Polynomial.Point share, ArrayList<T> commitments, int j){
BigInteger v = computeVerificationValue(j,commitments,group);
T v = computeVerificationValue(j,commitments,group);
return group.multiply(g,secret.y).equals(v);
return group.multiply(g,share.y).equals(v);
catch (NullPointerException e){
catch (NullPointerException e){
return false;
return false;
@ -151,24 +193,32 @@ public class DistributedKeyGeneration extends VerifiableSecretSharing {
* Pj verifies all the shares he received (using isValidShare)
* Pj verifies all the shares he received (using isValidShare)
* if check fails for an index i, Pj broadcasts a complaint against Pi.
* if check fails for an index i, Pj broadcasts a complaint against Pi.
public void broadcastComplaints(User user){
public void broadcastComplaints(){
for (int i = 1; i <= n ; i++ ){
for (int i = 1; i <= n ; i++ ){
if(i != id && !isValidSecret(i)) {
if(i != id && !isValidShare(i)) {
private void broadcastComplaint(User user, int i){
* create a complaint message against i and broadcast it
* @param i
private void broadcastComplaint(int i){
//message = new Message(Type.Complaint, j)
//message = new Message(Type.Complaint, j)
DKGMessages.IDMessage complaint = DKGMessages.IDMessage.newBuilder()
DKGMessages.IDMessage complaint = DKGMessages.IDMessage.newBuilder()
user.broadcast(DKGMessages.Mail.Type.COMPLAINT, complaint);
channel.broadcastMessage(DKGMessages.Mail.Type.COMPLAINT, complaint);
public void broadcastComplaintAnswer(User user, int j){
user.broadcast(DKGMessages.Mail.Type.ANSWER, DKGMessages.SecretMessage.newBuilder()
* create an answer message for j and broadcast it
* @param j
public void broadcastComplaintAnswer(int j){
channel.broadcastMessage(DKGMessages.Mail.Type.ANSWER, DKGMessages.ShareMessage.newBuilder()
@ -179,12 +229,12 @@ public class DistributedKeyGeneration extends VerifiableSecretSharing {
* stage3.1 according to the protocol
* stage3.1 according to the protocol
* if more than t players complain against a player Pi he is disqualified.
* if more than t players complain against a player Pi he is disqualified.
public void answerAllComplainingPlayers(User user){
public void answerAllComplainingPlayers(){
ComplaintState[] complaints = parties[id - 1].complaints;
ComplaintState[] complaints = parties[id - 1].complaints;
for (int i = 1; i <= n ; i++) {
for (int i = 1; i <= n ; i++) {
switch (complaints[i - 1]) {
switch (complaints[i - 1]) {
case Waiting:
case Waiting:
@ -210,7 +260,6 @@ public class DistributedKeyGeneration extends VerifiableSecretSharing {
case OK:
case OK:
case NonDisqualified:
case NonDisqualified:
// TODO: Add test for false complaint
@ -232,34 +281,35 @@ public class DistributedKeyGeneration extends VerifiableSecretSharing {
* stage4.1 according to the protocol
* stage4.1 according to the protocol
* public value y is computed as y = multiplication of yi mod p for i in QUAL
* public value y is computed as y = multiplication of yi mod p for i in QUAL
public BigInteger calcY(Set<Integer> QUAL){
public T calcY(Set<Integer> QUAL){
BigInteger y =;
T y =;
for (int i : QUAL) {
for (int i : QUAL) {
y = group.add(y , parties[i - 1].commitments[0]);
y = group.add(y , parties[i - 1].commitments.get(0));
return y;
return y;
* TODO: better comment.
* stage4.2 according to the protocol
* stage4.2 according to the protocol
* public verification values are computed as Ak = multiplication of Aik mod p for i in QUAL for k = 0,...,t
* public verification values are computed as Ak = multiplication
* of Aik mod p for i in QUAL for k = 0,...,t
public BigInteger[] calcCommitments(Set<Integer> QUAL){
public ArrayList<T> calcCommitments(Set<Integer> QUAL){
BigInteger[] commitments = new BigInteger[t + 1];
ArrayList<T> commitments = new ArrayList<T>(t+1);
T value;
for (int i : QUAL) {
for (int k = 0; k <= t; k++){
for (int k = 0; k <= t; k++){
value =;
commitments[k] = group.add(commitments[k], parties[i - 1].commitments[k]);
for (int i : QUAL) {
value = group.add(value, parties[i - 1].commitments.get(k));
return commitments;
return commitments;
* TODO: better comment.
* stage4.3 according to the protocol
* stage4.3 according to the protocol
* Pj sets is share of the secret as xj = sum of Sij mod q for i in QUAL
* Pj sets is share of the share as xj = sum of Sij mod q for i in QUAL
public Polynomial.Point calcShare(Set<Integer> QUAL){
public Polynomial.Point calcShare(Set<Integer> QUAL){
BigInteger xj = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger xj = BigInteger.ZERO;
@ -269,6 +319,15 @@ public class DistributedKeyGeneration extends VerifiableSecretSharing {
return new Polynomial.Point(BigInteger.valueOf(id) , xj.mod(q));
return new Polynomial.Point(BigInteger.valueOf(id) , xj.mod(q));
* decode commitment from arr
* @param arr
* @return
public T decodeCommitment(byte[] arr){
return encoder.decode(arr);
* getter
* getter
* @return id
* @return id
@ -277,4 +336,21 @@ public class DistributedKeyGeneration extends VerifiableSecretSharing {
return id;
return id;
* getter
* @return channel
public Channel getChannel() {
return channel;
* getter
* @return encoder
public ByteEncoder<T> getEncoder() {
return encoder;
@ -1,50 +1,42 @@
package JointFeldmanProtocol;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Channel;
import Communication.MailHandler;
import Communication.MailHandler;
import Communication.Network;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial;
import Communication.User;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import UserInterface.DistributedKeyGenerationUser;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Set;
import JointFeldmanProtocol.DistributedKeyGeneration.ComplaintState;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol.DistributedKeyGeneration.ComplaintState;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/14/2016.
* Created by Tzlil on 3/14/2016.
* TODO: Comments
* TODO: Comments
* TODO: Replace polling with monitors/wait/notify (remember synchronization)
* TODO: Replace polling with monitors/wait/notify (remember synchronization)
public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGenerationUser {
public class User<T> implements Runnable{
// TODO: remove
protected final DistributedKeyGeneration<T> dkg;
protected final static int SleepTime = 300;
protected final DistributedKeyGeneration dkg;
protected final T g;
protected final Group<T> group;
protected final BigInteger g;
protected final Group<BigInteger> group;
protected final int n;
protected final int n;
protected final int t;
protected final int t;
protected final int id;
protected final int id;
protected MailHandler mailHandler;
protected MessageHandler messageHandler;
protected final Channel channel;
protected final User user;
protected final Party[] parties;
protected final DistributedKeyGenerationParty[] parties;
protected Set<Integer> QUAL; // set of all non-disqualified parties
protected Set<Integer> QUAL; // set of all non-disqualified parties
protected BigInteger[] commitments; // public verification values
protected Polynomial.Point share; // final share of the secrete
protected Polynomial.Point share; // final share of the secrete
protected BigInteger y; // final public value
protected ArrayList<T> commitments; // public verification values
protected T y; // final public value
public DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl(DistributedKeyGeneration dkg, Network network){
public User(DistributedKeyGeneration<T> dkg, Channel channel) {
this(dkg,network,new DistributedKeyGenerationMailHandler(null));
public DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl(DistributedKeyGeneration dkg, Network network, MailHandler mailHandler) {
this.dkg = dkg;
this.dkg = dkg;
this.g = dkg.getGenerator();
this.g = dkg.getGenerator();
@ -53,14 +45,24 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
this.t = dkg.getT();
this.t = dkg.getT();
|||||| = dkg.getId();
| = dkg.getId();
this.messageHandler = new MessageHandler();
| = channel;
this.user = network.connect(mailHandler,dkg.getId());
this.parties = dkg.getParties();
this.parties = dkg.getParties();
this.QUAL = null;
this.QUAL = null;
this.commitments = null;
this.commitments = null;
this.share = null;
this.share = null;
this.y = null;
this.y = null;
* create MailHandler and register it as ReceiverCallback
protected void registerReceiverCallback(){
this.mailHandler = new DistributedKeyGenerationMailHandler(new MessageHandler());
@ -69,30 +71,34 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
* 2. Pi computes the shares Sij for j = 1,...,n and sends Sij secretly to Pj.
* 2. Pi computes the shares Sij for j = 1,...,n and sends Sij secretly to Pj.
protected void stage1() {
protected void stage1() {
protected void waitUntilStageOneCompleted(){
protected void waitUntilStageOneCompleted(){
// all parties send their share or aborted
// all parties send their share or aborted
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
while (parties[i].share == null && !parties[i].aborted){
synchronized (parties[i]) {
try {
while (parties[i].share == null && !parties[i].aborted) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//do nothing
// all parties broadcast their commitments or aborted
// all parties broadcast their commitments or aborted
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
for (int k = 0 ; k <= t ; k++) {
for (int k = 0 ; k <= t ; k++) {
while (parties[i].commitments[k] == null && !parties[i].aborted) {
synchronized (parties[i]) {
try {
while (parties[i].commitments.get(k) == null && !parties[i].aborted) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//do nothing
@ -106,26 +112,29 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
* Pj broadcasts done message at the end of this stage
* Pj broadcasts done message at the end of this stage
protected void stage2(){
protected void stage2(){
//broadcast done message after all complaints
//broadcast done message after all complaints
DKGMessages.EmptyMessage doneMessage = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.newBuilder().build();
DKGMessages.EmptyMessage doneMessage = DKGMessages.EmptyMessage.newBuilder().build();
protected void waitUntilStageTwoCompleted(){
protected void waitUntilStageTwoCompleted(){
// all parties done or aborted
// all parties done or aborted
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
while (!parties[i].doneFlag && !parties[i].aborted){
synchronized (parties[i]) {
try {
while (!parties[i].doneFlag && !parties[i].aborted) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//do nothing
* stage3 according to the protocol
* stage3 according to the protocol
* 1. if more than t players complain against a player Pi he is disqualified.
* 1. if more than t players complain against a player Pi he is disqualified.
@ -134,15 +143,17 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
* set QUAL to be the set of non-disqualified players.
* set QUAL to be the set of non-disqualified players.
protected void stage3(){
protected void stage3(){
// wait until there is no complaint waiting for answer
// wait until there is no complaint waiting for answer
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
while (parties[i].complaints[j].equals(ComplaintState.Waiting) && !parties[i].aborted){
synchronized (parties[i]) {
try {
while (parties[i].complaints[j].equals(ComplaintState.Waiting) && !parties[i].aborted) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//do nothing
@ -162,80 +173,101 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
this.share = dkg.calcShare(QUAL);
this.share = dkg.calcShare(QUAL);
protected void startReceiver(){
protected void stopReceiver(){
public void run() {
public void run() {
* Request the current run loop to exit gracefully
* Request the current run loop to exit gracefully
public void stop() {
public void stop() {
// TODO: implement
public BigInteger[] getCommitments() {
* getter
return Arrays.copyOf(commitments, commitments.length);
* @return commitments
public ArrayList<T> getCommitments() {
return commitments;
public BigInteger getGenerator() {
* getter
* @return g
public T getGenerator() {
return g;
return g;
public Group<BigInteger> getGroup() {
* getter
* @return group
public Group<T> getGroup() {
return group;
return group;
* getter
* @return share
public Polynomial.Point getShare() {
public Polynomial.Point getShare() {
return share;
return share;
* getter
* @return id
public int getID() {
public int getID() {
return id;
return id;
* getter
* @return n
public int getN() {
public int getN() {
return n;
return n;
* getter
* @return t
public int getT() {
public int getT() {
return t;
return t;
public BigInteger getPublicValue() {
* getter
* @return y
public T getPublicValue() {
return y;
return y;
* getter
* @return QUAL
public Set<Integer> getQUAL() {
public Set<Integer> getQUAL() {
return QUAL;
return QUAL;
protected class MessageHandler implements Communication.MessageHandler{
public class MessageHandler implements Communication.MessageHandler{
public MessageHandler(){
* commitment message is valid if:
* commitment message is valid if:
* 1. it was received in broadcast chanel
* 1. it was received in broadcast chanel
@ -244,7 +276,7 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
protected boolean isValidCommitmentMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, DKGMessages.CommitmentMessage commitmentMessage){
protected boolean isValidCommitmentMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, DKGMessages.CommitmentMessage commitmentMessage){
int i = sender - 1;
int i = sender - 1;
int k = commitmentMessage.getK();
int k = commitmentMessage.getK();
return isBroadcast && parties[i].commitments[k] == null;
return isBroadcast && parties[i].commitments.get(k) == null;
@ -256,7 +288,10 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
int i = sender - 1;
int i = sender - 1;
int k = commitmentMessage.getK();
int k = commitmentMessage.getK();
parties[i].commitments[k] = extractCommitment(commitmentMessage);
synchronized (parties[i]) {
parties[i].commitments.set(k, extractCommitment(commitmentMessage));
@ -267,7 +302,7 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
* 3. secret.i == i
* 3. secret.i == i
* 4. secret.j == id
* 4. secret.j == id
protected boolean isValidSecretMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, DKGMessages.SecretMessage secretMessage){
protected boolean isValidSecretMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, DKGMessages.ShareMessage secretMessage){
int i = secretMessage.getI();
int i = secretMessage.getI();
int j = secretMessage.getJ();
int j = secretMessage.getJ();
if(sender != i || isBroadcast)
if(sender != i || isBroadcast)
@ -282,11 +317,14 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
public void handleSecretMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, Message message) {
public void handleSecretMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, Message message) {
DKGMessages.SecretMessage secretMessage = (DKGMessages.SecretMessage) message;
DKGMessages.ShareMessage secretMessage = (DKGMessages.ShareMessage) message;
if(isValidSecretMessage(sender,isBroadcast,secretMessage)) {
if(isValidSecretMessage(sender,isBroadcast,secretMessage)) {
int i = secretMessage.getI();
int i = secretMessage.getI();
Polynomial.Point secret = extractSecret(id,secretMessage.getSecret());
Polynomial.Point secret = extractShare(id,secretMessage.getSecret());
parties[i - 1].share = secret;
synchronized (parties[i -1]) {
parties[i - 1].share = secret;
parties[i - 1].notify();
@ -305,7 +343,10 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
public void handleDoneMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, Message message) {
public void handleDoneMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, Message message) {
if(isValidDoneMessage(sender,isBroadcast)) {
if(isValidDoneMessage(sender,isBroadcast)) {
parties[sender - 1].doneFlag = true;
synchronized (parties[sender - 1]) {
parties[sender - 1].doneFlag = true;
parties[sender - 1].notify();
@ -329,7 +370,10 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
int i = sender;
int i = sender;
int j = complaintMessage.getId();
int j = complaintMessage.getId();
parties[j - 1].complaints[i - 1] = ComplaintState.Waiting;
synchronized (parties[j - 1]) {
parties[j - 1].complaints[i - 1] = ComplaintState.Waiting;
parties[j - 1].notify();
@ -340,7 +384,7 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
* 3. 1 <= secret.j <= n
* 3. 1 <= secret.j <= n
* 4. it is marked that j complained against i and i didn't received
* 4. it is marked that j complained against i and i didn't received
protected boolean isValidAnswerMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, DKGMessages.SecretMessage secretMessage){
protected boolean isValidAnswerMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, DKGMessages.ShareMessage secretMessage){
int i = secretMessage.getI();
int i = secretMessage.getI();
int j = secretMessage.getJ();
int j = secretMessage.getJ();
if(sender != i || !isBroadcast)
if(sender != i || !isBroadcast)
@ -356,18 +400,21 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
public void handleAnswerMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, Message message) {
public void handleAnswerMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, Message message) {
DKGMessages.SecretMessage secretMessage = (DKGMessages.SecretMessage) message;
DKGMessages.ShareMessage secretMessage = (DKGMessages.ShareMessage) message;
if(isValidAnswerMessage(sender,isBroadcast,secretMessage)) {
if(isValidAnswerMessage(sender,isBroadcast,secretMessage)) {
int i = secretMessage.getI();
int i = secretMessage.getI();
int j = secretMessage.getJ();
int j = secretMessage.getJ();
Polynomial.Point secret = extractSecret(j,secretMessage.getSecret());
Polynomial.Point secret = extractShare(j,secretMessage.getSecret());
if (dkg.isValidSecret(secret, parties[i - 1].commitments, j)) {
synchronized (parties[i - 1]) {
parties[i - 1].complaints[j - 1] = ComplaintState.NonDisqualified;
if (dkg.isValidShare(secret, parties[i - 1].commitments, j)) {
} else {
parties[i - 1].complaints[j - 1] = ComplaintState.NonDisqualified;
parties[i - 1].complaints[j - 1] = ComplaintState.Disqualified;
} else {
parties[i - 1].complaints[j - 1] = ComplaintState.Disqualified;
if(j == id){
parties[i - 1].share = secret;
if (j == id) {
parties[i - 1].share = secret;
parties[i - 1].notify();
@ -377,17 +424,31 @@ public class DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl implements DistributedKeyGeneratio
public void handleAbortMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, Message message) {
public void handleAbortMessage(int sender, boolean isBroadcast, Message message) {
parties[sender - 1].aborted = true;
synchronized (parties[sender - 1]) {
parties[sender - 1].aborted = true;
parties[sender - 1].notify();
public Polynomial.Point extractSecret(int i, ByteString secret){
* extract share value from ByteString
* @param i
* @param share
* @return new Point (i,share)
public Polynomial.Point extractShare(int i, ByteString share){
BigInteger x = BigInteger.valueOf(i);
BigInteger x = BigInteger.valueOf(i);
BigInteger y = new BigInteger(secret.toByteArray());
BigInteger y = new BigInteger(share.toByteArray());
return new Polynomial.Point(x,y);
return new Polynomial.Point(x,y);
public BigInteger extractCommitment(DKGMessages.CommitmentMessage commitmentMessage){
return new BigInteger(commitmentMessage.getCommitment().toByteArray());
* @param commitmentMessage
* @return
public T extractCommitment(DKGMessages.CommitmentMessage commitmentMessage){
return dkg.decodeCommitment(commitmentMessage.getCommitment().toByteArray());
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.feldman_verifiable;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.ShamirSecretSharing.SecretSharing;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;
* Created by Tzlil on 1/27/2016.
* an implementation of Feldman's verifiable secret sharing scheme.
* allows trusted dealer to share a key x among n parties.
public class VerifiableSecretSharing<T> extends SecretSharing {
protected final Group<T> group;
protected final T g; // public generator of group
protected final ArrayList<T> commitmentsArrayList;
* constructor
* @param q a large prime.
* @param t threshold. Any t+1 share holders can recover the secret,
* but any set of at most t share holders cannot
* @param n number of share holders
* @param zi secret, chosen from Zq
* @param random use for generate random polynomial
* @param group
* @param q a large prime dividing group order.
* @param g a generator of cyclic group of order q.
* the generated group is a subgroup of the given group.
* it must be chosen such that computing discrete logarithms is hard in this group.
public VerifiableSecretSharing(int t, int n, BigInteger zi, Random random, BigInteger q, T g
, Group<T> group) {
super(t, n, zi, random,q);
this.g = g;
| = group;
assert (;
this.commitmentsArrayList = generateCommitments();
* commitments[i] = g ^ polynomial.coefficients[i]
* @return commitments
private ArrayList<T> generateCommitments() {
Polynomial polynomial = getPolynomial();
BigInteger[] coefficients = polynomial.getCoefficients();
ArrayList<T> commitments = new ArrayList<T>(t + 1);
for (int i = 0 ; i <= t;i++){
return commitments;
* Compute verification value (g^{share value}) using coefficient commitments sent by dealer and my share id.
* @param j my share holder id
* @param commitments commitments to polynomial coefficients of share (received from dealer)
* @param group
* @return product of Aik ^ (j ^ k) == g ^ polynomial(i)
public static <T> T computeVerificationValue(int j, ArrayList<T> commitments, Group<T> group) {
T v =;
BigInteger power = BigInteger.ONE;
BigInteger J = BigInteger.valueOf(j);
for (int k = 0 ; k < commitments.size() ; k ++){
v = group.add(v,group.multiply(commitments.get(k),power));
power = power.multiply(J);
return v;
* getter
* @return generator of group
public T getGenerator() {
return g;
* getter
* @return group
public Group<T> getGroup(){
return group;
* getter
* @return commitmentsArrayList
public ArrayList<T> getCommitmentsArrayList() {
return commitmentsArrayList;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package ShamirSecretSharing;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir;
import Arithmetics.Arithmetic;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Arithmetic;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigInteger;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package ShamirSecretSharing;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir;
import Arithmetics.Arithmetic;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Arithmetic;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Arrays;
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public class Polynomial implements Comparable<Polynomial> {
* @param other
* @param other
* @return new ShamirSecretSharing.PolynomialTests of degree max(this degree,other degree) s.t for all x in Z
* @return new meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial of degree max(this degree,other degree) s.t for all x
* new.evaluate(x) = this.evaluate(x) + other.evaluate(x)
* new.evaluate(x) = this.evaluate(x) + other.evaluate(x)
public Polynomial add(Polynomial other){
public Polynomial add(Polynomial other){
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public class Polynomial implements Comparable<Polynomial> {
* @param constant
* @param constant
* @return new Polynomial of degree s.t for all x in Z
* @return new Polynomial of degree s.t for all x
* new.evaluate(x) = constant * this.evaluate(x)
* new.evaluate(x) = constant * this.evaluate(x)
public Polynomial mul(BigInteger constant){
public Polynomial mul(BigInteger constant){
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public class Polynomial implements Comparable<Polynomial> {
* @param other
* @param other
* @return new Polynomial of degree this degree + other degree + 1 s.t for all x in Z
* @return new Polynomial of degree this degree + other degree + 1 s.t for all x
* new.evaluate(x) = this.evaluate(x) * other.evaluate(x)
* new.evaluate(x) = this.evaluate(x) * other.evaluate(x)
public Polynomial mul(Polynomial other){
public Polynomial mul(Polynomial other){
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package ShamirSecretSharing;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir;
import Arithmetics.Arithmetic;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Arithmetic;
import Arithmetics.Fp;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.concrete.Fp;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Random;
@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ public class SecretSharing{
* @param t threshold. Any t+1 share holders can recover the secret,
* @param t threshold. Any t+1 share holders can recover the secret,
* but any set of at most t share holders cannot
* but any set of at most t share holders cannot
* @param n number of share holders
* @param n number of share holders
* @param x secret, chosen from Zq
* @param zi secret, chosen from Zq
* @param random use for generate random polynomial
* @param random use for generate random polynomial
public SecretSharing(int t, int n, BigInteger x, Random random, BigInteger q) {
public SecretSharing(int t, int n, BigInteger zi, Random random, BigInteger q) {
this.q = q;
this.q = q;
this.t = t;
this.t = t;
this.n = n;
this.n = n;
this.polynomial = generateRandomPolynomial(x,random);
this.polynomial = generateRandomPolynomial(zi,random);
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class SecretSharing{
* @param i in range of [1,...n]
* @param i in range of [1,...n]
* @return polynomial.evaluate(i)%q
* @return polynomial.evaluate(i)
public Polynomial.Point getShare(int i){
public Polynomial.Point getShare(int i){
assert (i > 0 && i <= n);
assert (i > 0 && i <= n);
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public class SecretSharing{
* @return evaluate of interpolation(shares) at x = 0
* @return evaluate of interpolation(shares) at x = 0
public static BigInteger recoverSecret(Polynomial.Point[] shares, Arithmetic<BigInteger> arithmetic) throws Exception {
public static BigInteger recoverSecret(Polynomial.Point[] shares, Arithmetic<BigInteger> arithmetic) {
return recoverPolynomial(shares,arithmetic).evaluate(BigInteger.ZERO);
return recoverPolynomial(shares,arithmetic).evaluate(BigInteger.ZERO);
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package Arithmetics;
package meerkat.crypto.utilitis;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/17/2016.
* Created by Tzlil on 3/17/2016.
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package meerkat.crypto.utilitis;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
* A generic commmunication channel that supports point-to-point and broadcast operation
public interface Channel {
public interface ReceiverCallback {
public void receiveMail(DKGMessages.Mail mail);
public void sendMessage(int destUser, DKGMessages.Mail.Type type, Message msg);
public void broadcastMessage(DKGMessages.Mail.Type type, Message msg);
* Register a callback to handle received messages.
* The callback is called in the <b>Channel</b> thread, so no long processing should
* occur in the callback method.
* @param callback
public void registerReceiverCallback(ReceiverCallback callback);
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package Arithmetics;
package meerkat.crypto.utilitis.concrete;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Arithmetic;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.concrete.Zpstar;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.concrete.Zpstar;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigInteger;
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
package Utils;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Channel;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
* Created by Tzlil on 2/14/2016.
// TODO: Change nane to network
public class ChannelImpl implements Channel {
public static int BROADCAST = 0;
private static ChannelImpl[] channels = null;
protected final Queue<DKGMessages.Mail> mailbox;
protected final int id;
protected final int n;
protected Thread receiverThread;
public ChannelImpl(int id, int n) {
if (channels == null){
channels = new ChannelImpl[n];
this.mailbox = new ArrayBlockingQueue<DKGMessages.Mail>( n * n * n);
| = id;
this.n = n;
channels[id - 1] = this;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void sendMessage(int destUser, DKGMessages.Mail.Type type, Message msg) {
if(destUser < 1 || destUser > n)
ChannelImpl channel = channels[destUser - 1];
if (channel == null)
DKGMessages.Mail mail = DKGMessages.Mail.newBuilder()
synchronized (channel.mailbox) {
public void broadcastMessage(DKGMessages.Mail.Type type,Message msg) {
ChannelImpl channel;
DKGMessages.Mail mail = DKGMessages.Mail.newBuilder()
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++){
channel = channels[i];
synchronized (channel.mailbox) {
public void registerReceiverCallback(final ReceiverCallback callback) {
}catch (Exception e){
//do nothing
receiverThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while (true){
try {
synchronized (mailbox) {
while (!mailbox.isEmpty()) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//do nothing
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
package Arithmetics;
package Utils;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Arithmetic;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigInteger;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/17/2016.
* Created by Tzlil on 4/8/2016.
public class Z implements Arithmetic<BigInteger> {
public class Z implements Arithmetic<BigInteger> {
public BigInteger add(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) {
public BigInteger add(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) {
return a.add(b);
return a.add(b);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package SecureDistributedKeyGenerationForDiscreteLogBasedCryptosystem;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.gjkr_secure_protocol;
import Communication.Network;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Channel;
import JointFeldmanProtocol.DistributedKeyGeneration;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol.DistributedKeyGeneration;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Random;
@ -10,35 +10,36 @@ import java.util.Set;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/29/2016.
* Created by Tzlil on 3/29/2016.
public class SDKGMaliciousUserImpl extends SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl {
public class SDKGMaliciousUserImpl extends SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUser {
private final DistributedKeyGeneration maliciousSDKG;
private final DistributedKeyGeneration maliciousSDKG;
private final Set<Integer> falls;
private final Set<Integer> falls;
public SDKGMaliciousUserImpl(SecureDistributedKeyGeneration sdkg,SecureDistributedKeyGeneration maliciousSDKG
public SDKGMaliciousUserImpl(SecureDistributedKeyGeneration sdkg, SecureDistributedKeyGeneration maliciousSDKG
, Network network,Set<Integer> falls) {
, Channel channel, Set<Integer> falls) {
super(sdkg, network);
super(sdkg, channel);
this.falls = falls;
this.falls = falls;
this.maliciousSDKG = maliciousSDKG;
this.maliciousSDKG = maliciousSDKG;
public static SecureDistributedKeyGeneration generateMaliciousSDKG(SecureDistributedKeyGeneration sdkg,Random random){
public static SecureDistributedKeyGeneration generateMaliciousSDKG(SecureDistributedKeyGeneration sdkg,Channel channel,Random random){
BigInteger q = sdkg.getQ();
BigInteger q = sdkg.getQ();
BigInteger zi = new BigInteger(q.bitLength(), random).mod(q);
BigInteger zi = new BigInteger(q.bitLength(), random).mod(q);
return new SecureDistributedKeyGeneration(sdkg.getT(),sdkg.getN(),zi,random,sdkg.getQ()
SecureDistributedKeyGeneration malicious = new SecureDistributedKeyGeneration(sdkg.getT(),sdkg.getN(),zi,random,sdkg.getQ()
return malicious;
public void stage1() {
public void stage1() {
sendSecrets(); //insteadof dkg.sendSecrets(user);
sendSecrets(); //insteadof dkg.sendSecrets(channel);
public void stage3() {
public void stage3() {
@ -50,9 +51,9 @@ public class SDKGMaliciousUserImpl extends SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImp
for (int j = 1; j <= n ; j++){
for (int j = 1; j <= n ; j++){
if(j != id){
if(j != id){
}else {
}else {
sdkg.sendSecret(user, j);
@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
package SecureDistributedKeyGenerationForDiscreteLogBasedCryptosystem;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.gjkr_secure_protocol;
import Arithmetics.Arithmetic;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Arithmetic;
import Arithmetics.Fp;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.concrete.Fp;
import Communication.Network;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Channel;
import FeldmanVerifiableSecretSharing.VerifiableSecretSharing;
import Communication.ChannelImpl;
import JointFeldmanProtocol.DKGMaliciousUserImpl;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.feldman_verifiable.VerifiableSecretSharing;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol.DKGMaliciousUser;
import ShamirSecretSharing.SecretSharing;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial;
import UserInterface.DistributedKeyGenerationUser;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.SecretSharing;
import Utils.BigIntegerByteEncoder;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPrime;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPrime;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.concrete.Zpstar;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.concrete.Zpstar;
import org.factcenter.qilin.util.ByteEncoder;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ import java.util.Set;
public class SDKGTest {
public class SDKGTest {
int tests = 10;
int tests = 1;
BigInteger p = GenerateRandomPrime.SafePrime100Bits;
BigInteger p = GenerateRandomPrime.SafePrime100Bits;
BigInteger q = p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(2));
BigInteger q = p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(2));
Group<BigInteger> group = new Zpstar(p);
Group<BigInteger> group = new Zpstar(p);
@ -93,14 +95,14 @@ public class SDKGTest {
Set<Integer> QUAL;
Set<Integer> QUAL;
Set<Integer> aborted;
Set<Integer> aborted;
Set<Integer> malicious;
Set<Integer> malicious;
DistributedKeyGenerationUser[] sdkgs;
SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUser[] sdkgs;
Thread[] threads;
Thread[] threads;
BigInteger g;
BigInteger g;
BigInteger h;
BigInteger h;
BigInteger secret;
BigInteger secret;
public Testable(Random random) {
public Testable(Random random) {
this.sdkgs = new SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl[n];
this.sdkgs = new SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUser[n];
this.valids = new HashSet<Integer>();
this.valids = new HashSet<Integer>();
this.QUAL = new HashSet<Integer>();
this.QUAL = new HashSet<Integer>();
this.aborted = new HashSet<Integer>();
this.aborted = new HashSet<Integer>();
@ -112,16 +114,18 @@ public class SDKGTest {
for (int id = 1; id<= n ; id++){
for (int id = 1; id<= n ; id++){
Network network = new Network(n);
int id;
int id;
BigInteger s;
BigInteger s;
Channel channel;
SecureDistributedKeyGeneration sdkg;
SecureDistributedKeyGeneration sdkg;
this.secret = BigInteger.ZERO;
this.secret = BigInteger.ZERO;
ByteEncoder<BigInteger> encoder = new BigIntegerByteEncoder();
while (!ids.isEmpty()) {
while (!ids.isEmpty()) {
id = ids.remove(random.nextInt(ids.size()));
id = ids.remove(random.nextInt(ids.size()));
s = randomIntModQ(random);
s = randomIntModQ(random);
sdkg = new SecureDistributedKeyGeneration(t, n, s, random, q, g , h, group, id);
channel = new ChannelImpl(id,n);
sdkgs[id - 1] = randomSDKGUser(id,network,sdkg,random);
sdkg = new SecureDistributedKeyGeneration(t, n, s, random, q, g , h, group, id,encoder);
sdkgs[id - 1] = randomSDKGUser(id,channel,sdkg,random);
threads[id - 1] = new Thread(sdkgs[id - 1]);
threads[id - 1] = new Thread(sdkgs[id - 1]);
this.secret = this.secret.add(s).mod(q);
this.secret = this.secret.add(s).mod(q);
@ -130,30 +134,30 @@ public class SDKGTest {
public SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl randomSDKGUser(int id,Network network, SecureDistributedKeyGeneration sdkg,Random random){
public SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUser randomSDKGUser(int id, Channel channel, SecureDistributedKeyGeneration sdkg, Random random){
if (QUAL.size() <= t) {
if (QUAL.size() <= t) {
return new SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl(sdkg,network);
return new SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUser(sdkg,channel);
int type = random.nextInt(3);
int type = random.nextInt(3);
switch (type){
switch (type){
case 0:// regular
case 0:// regular
return new SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl(sdkg,network);
return new SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUser(sdkg,channel);
case 1:// abort
case 1:// abort
int abortStage = random.nextInt(3) + 1; // 1 or 2 or 3
int abortStage = random.nextInt(3) + 1; // 1 or 2 or 3
if (abortStage > 1){
if (abortStage > 1){
return new SDKGUserImplAbort(sdkg,network,abortStage);
return new SDKGUserImplAbort(sdkg,channel,abortStage);
case 2:// malicious
case 2:// malicious
Set<Integer> falls = DKGMaliciousUserImpl.selectFallsRandomly(valids,random);
Set<Integer> falls = DKGMaliciousUser.selectFallsRandomly(valids,random);
SecureDistributedKeyGeneration maliciousSDKG = SDKGMaliciousUserImpl.generateMaliciousSDKG(sdkg,random);
SecureDistributedKeyGeneration maliciousSDKG = SDKGMaliciousUserImpl.generateMaliciousSDKG(sdkg,channel,random);
return new SDKGMaliciousUserImpl(sdkg,maliciousSDKG,network,falls);
return new SDKGMaliciousUserImpl(sdkg,maliciousSDKG,channel,falls);
return null;
return null;
@ -1,26 +1,24 @@
package SecureDistributedKeyGenerationForDiscreteLogBasedCryptosystem;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.gjkr_secure_protocol;
import Communication.Network;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Channel;
import SecureDistributedKeyGenerationForDiscreteLogBasedCryptosystem.SecureDistributedKeyGeneration;
import SecureDistributedKeyGenerationForDiscreteLogBasedCryptosystem.SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/14/2016.
* Created by Tzlil on 3/14/2016.
public class SDKGUserImplAbort extends SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl {
public class SDKGUserImplAbort extends SecureDistributedKeyGenerationUser {
final int abortStage;
final int abortStage;
int stage;
int stage;
public SDKGUserImplAbort(SecureDistributedKeyGeneration sdkg, Network network, int abortStage) {
public SDKGUserImplAbort(SecureDistributedKeyGeneration sdkg, Channel channel, int abortStage) {
super(sdkg, network);
super(sdkg, channel);
this.abortStage = abortStage;// 1 - 4
this.abortStage = abortStage;// 1 - 4
this.stage = 1;
this.stage = 1;
private void abort(){
private void abort(){
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package JointFeldmanProtocol;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol;
import Communication.MailHandler;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Channel;
import Communication.Network;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.*;
@ -9,12 +8,12 @@ import java.util.*;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/21/2016.
* Created by Tzlil on 3/21/2016.
public class DKGMaliciousUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl {
public class DKGMaliciousUser extends DistributedKeyGenerationUser {
private final DistributedKeyGeneration maliciousDkg;
private final DistributedKeyGeneration maliciousDkg;
private final Set<Integer> falls;
private final Set<Integer> falls;
public DKGMaliciousUserImpl(DistributedKeyGeneration dkg,DistributedKeyGeneration maliciousDKG, Network network,Set<Integer> falls) {
public DKGMaliciousUser(DistributedKeyGeneration dkg, DistributedKeyGeneration maliciousDKG, Channel channel, Set<Integer> falls) {
super(dkg, network);
super(dkg, channel);
this.falls = falls;
this.falls = falls;
this.maliciousDkg = maliciousDKG;
this.maliciousDkg = maliciousDKG;
@ -33,22 +32,24 @@ public class DKGMaliciousUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl {
return falls;
return falls;
public static DistributedKeyGeneration generateMaliciousDKG(DistributedKeyGeneration dkg,Random random){
public static DistributedKeyGeneration generateMaliciousDKG(DistributedKeyGeneration dkg,Channel channel,Random random){
BigInteger q = dkg.getQ();
BigInteger q = dkg.getQ();
BigInteger zi = new BigInteger(q.bitLength(), random).mod(q);
BigInteger zi = new BigInteger(q.bitLength(), random).mod(q);
return new DistributedKeyGeneration(dkg.getT(),dkg.getN(),zi,random,dkg.getQ()
DistributedKeyGeneration malicious = new DistributedKeyGeneration(dkg.getT(),dkg.getN(),zi,random,dkg.getQ()
return malicious;
public void stage1() {
public void stage1() {
sendSecrets(); //insteadof dkg.sendSecrets(user);
sendSecrets(); //insteadof dkg.sendSecrets(channel);
public void stage3() {
public void stage3() {
@ -60,9 +61,9 @@ public class DKGMaliciousUserImpl extends DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl {
for (int j = 1; j <= n ; j++){
for (int j = 1; j <= n ; j++){
if(j != id){
if(j != id){
}else {
}else {
dkg.sendSecret(user, j);
@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
package JointFeldmanProtocol;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol;
import Arithmetics.Arithmetic;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Arithmetic;
import Arithmetics.Fp;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.concrete.Fp;
import Communication.Network;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Channel;
import FeldmanVerifiableSecretSharing.VerifiableSecretSharing;
import Communication.ChannelImpl;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.feldman_verifiable.VerifiableSecretSharing;
import ShamirSecretSharing.SecretSharing;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial;
import UserInterface.DistributedKeyGenerationUser;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.SecretSharing;
import Utils.BigIntegerByteEncoder;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPrime;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPrime;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.concrete.Zpstar;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.concrete.Zpstar;
import org.factcenter.qilin.util.ByteEncoder;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ import java.util.Set;
public class DKGTest {
public class DKGTest {
int tests = 10;
int tests = 1;
BigInteger p = GenerateRandomPrime.SafePrime100Bits;
BigInteger p = GenerateRandomPrime.SafePrime100Bits;
BigInteger q = p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(2));
BigInteger q = p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(2));
Group<BigInteger> group = new Zpstar(p);
Group<BigInteger> group = new Zpstar(p);
@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ public class DKGTest {
BigInteger secret;
BigInteger secret;
public Testable(Random random) {
public Testable(Random random) {
this.dkgs = new DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl[n];
this.dkgs = new DistributedKeyGenerationUser[n];
this.valids = new HashSet<Integer>();
this.valids = new HashSet<Integer>();
this.QUAL = new HashSet<Integer>();
this.QUAL = new HashSet<Integer>();
this.aborted = new HashSet<Integer>();
this.aborted = new HashSet<Integer>();
@ -110,16 +112,18 @@ public class DKGTest {
for (int id = 1; id<= n ; id++){
for (int id = 1; id<= n ; id++){
Network network = new Network(n);
int id;
int id;
BigInteger s;
BigInteger s;
DistributedKeyGeneration dkg;
DistributedKeyGeneration dkg;
this.secret = BigInteger.ZERO;
this.secret = BigInteger.ZERO;
Channel channel;
ByteEncoder<BigInteger> byteEncoder = new BigIntegerByteEncoder();
while (!ids.isEmpty()) {
while (!ids.isEmpty()) {
id = ids.remove(random.nextInt(ids.size()));
id = ids.remove(random.nextInt(ids.size()));
channel = new ChannelImpl(id,n);
s = randomIntModQ(random);
s = randomIntModQ(random);
dkg = new DistributedKeyGeneration(t, n, s, random, q, g, group, id);
dkg = new DistributedKeyGeneration(t, n, s, random, q, g, group, id,byteEncoder);
dkgs[id - 1] = randomDKGUser(id,network,dkg,random);
dkgs[id - 1] = randomDKGUser(id,channel,dkg,random);
threads[id - 1] = new Thread(dkgs[id - 1]);
threads[id - 1] = new Thread(dkgs[id - 1]);
this.secret = this.secret.add(s).mod(q);
this.secret = this.secret.add(s).mod(q);
@ -128,30 +132,30 @@ public class DKGTest {
public DistributedKeyGenerationUser randomDKGUser(int id,Network network, DistributedKeyGeneration dkg,Random random){
public DistributedKeyGenerationUser randomDKGUser(int id, Channel channel, DistributedKeyGeneration dkg, Random random){
if (QUAL.size() <= t) {
if (QUAL.size() <= t) {
return new DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl(dkg,network);
return new DistributedKeyGenerationUser(dkg,channel);
int type = random.nextInt(3);
int type = random.nextInt(3);
switch (type){
switch (type){
case 0:// regular
case 0:// regular
return new DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl(dkg,network);
return new DistributedKeyGenerationUser(dkg,channel);
case 1:// abort
case 1:// abort
int abortStage = random.nextInt(2) + 1; // 1 or 2
int abortStage = random.nextInt(2) + 1; // 1 or 2
if (abortStage == 2){
if (abortStage == 2){
return new DKGUserImplAbort(dkg,network,abortStage);
return new DKGUserImplAbort(dkg,channel,abortStage);
case 2:// malicious
case 2:// malicious
Set<Integer> falls = DKGMaliciousUserImpl.selectFallsRandomly(valids,random);
Set<Integer> falls = DKGMaliciousUser.selectFallsRandomly(valids,random);
DistributedKeyGeneration maliciousDKG = DKGMaliciousUserImpl.generateMaliciousDKG(dkg,random);
DistributedKeyGeneration maliciousDKG = DKGMaliciousUser.generateMaliciousDKG(dkg,channel,random);
return new DKGMaliciousUserImpl(dkg,maliciousDKG,network,falls);
return new DKGMaliciousUser(dkg,maliciousDKG,channel,falls);
return null;
return null;
@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
package JointFeldmanProtocol;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.distributed_key_generation.joint_feldman_protocol;
import Communication.Network;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Channel;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
import meerkat.protobuf.DKGMessages;
* Created by Tzlil on 3/14/2016.
* Created by Tzlil on 3/14/2016.
public class DKGUserImplAbort extends DistributedKeyGenerationUserImpl {
public class DKGUserImplAbort extends DistributedKeyGenerationUser {
final int abortStage;
final int abortStage;
int stage;
int stage;
public DKGUserImplAbort(DistributedKeyGeneration dkg, Network network, int abortStage) {
public DKGUserImplAbort(DistributedKeyGeneration dkg, Channel channel, int abortStage) {
super(dkg, network);
super(dkg, channel);
this.abortStage = abortStage;// 1 - 2
this.abortStage = abortStage;// 1 - 2
this.stage = 1;
this.stage = 1;
private void sendAbort(){
private void sendAbort(){
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
package FeldmanVerifiableSecretSharing;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.feldman_verifiable;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.Group;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.concrete.Zpstar;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.concrete.Zpstar;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Random;
@ -39,12 +40,12 @@ public class VerifiableSecretSharingTest {
public void oneTest(VerifiableSecretSharing verifiableSecretSharing) throws Exception {
public void oneTest(VerifiableSecretSharing<BigInteger> verifiableSecretSharing) throws Exception {
int n = verifiableSecretSharing.getN();
int n = verifiableSecretSharing.getN();
Group<BigInteger> zpstar = verifiableSecretSharing.getGroup();
Group<BigInteger> zpstar = verifiableSecretSharing.getGroup();
BigInteger g = verifiableSecretSharing.getGenerator();
BigInteger g = verifiableSecretSharing.getGenerator();
Polynomial.Point[] shares = new Polynomial.Point[n];
Polynomial.Point[] shares = new Polynomial.Point[n];
BigInteger[] commitments = verifiableSecretSharing.getCommitmentsArray();
ArrayList<BigInteger> commitments = verifiableSecretSharing.getCommitmentsArrayList();
BigInteger[] verifications = new BigInteger[n];
BigInteger[] verifications = new BigInteger[n];
for (int i = 1 ; i <= shares.length; i ++){
for (int i = 1 ; i <= shares.length; i ++){
shares[i - 1] = verifiableSecretSharing.getShare(i);
shares[i - 1] = verifiableSecretSharing.getShare(i);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package ShamirSecretSharing.PolynomialTests;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.PolynomialTests;
import Arithmetics.Z;
import Arithmetics.Z;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPolynomial;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPolynomial;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
package ShamirSecretSharing.PolynomialTests;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.PolynomialTests;
import Arithmetics.Arithmetic;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.Arithmetic;
import Arithmetics.Fp;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.concrete.Fp;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPolynomial;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPolynomial;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPrime;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPrime;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ public class InterpolationTest {
random = new Random();
random = new Random();
polynomials = new Polynomial[tests];
polynomials = new Polynomial[tests];
pointsArrays = new Polynomial.Point[tests][];
pointsArrays = new Polynomial.Point[tests][];
arithmetic = new Fp(p);
for (int i = 0; i < polynomials.length; i++){
for (int i = 0; i < polynomials.length; i++){
polynomials[i] = GenerateRandomPolynomial.generateRandomPolynomial(random.nextInt(maxDegree),bits,random,p);
polynomials[i] = GenerateRandomPolynomial.generateRandomPolynomial(random.nextInt(maxDegree),bits,random,p);
pointsArrays[i] = randomPoints(polynomials[i]);
pointsArrays[i] = randomPoints(polynomials[i]);
arithmetic = new Fp(p);
public Polynomial.Point[] randomPoints(Polynomial polynomial){
public Polynomial.Point[] randomPoints(Polynomial polynomial){
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package ShamirSecretSharing.PolynomialTests;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.PolynomialTests;
import Arithmetics.Z;
import Arithmetics.Z;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPolynomial;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPolynomial;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package ShamirSecretSharing.PolynomialTests;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.PolynomialTests;
import Arithmetics.Z;
import Arithmetics.Z;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPolynomial;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPolynomial;
import ShamirSecretSharing.Polynomial;
import meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir.Polynomial;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Test;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package ShamirSecretSharing;
package meerkat.crypto.concrete.secret_shring.shamir;
import Arithmetics.Z;
import meerkat.crypto.utilitis.concrete.Fp;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPrime;
import Utils.GenerateRandomPrime;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.CyclicGroup;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.CyclicGroup;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.concrete.Zn;
import org.factcenter.qilin.primitives.concrete.Zn;
@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ public class SecretSharingTest {
CyclicGroup<BigInteger> group;
CyclicGroup<BigInteger> group;
int tests = 1 << 10;
int tests = 1 << 10;
Random random;
Random random;
BigInteger p = GenerateRandomPrime.SafePrime100Bits;
BigInteger q = p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(2));
public void settings(){
public void settings(){
BigInteger p = GenerateRandomPrime.SafePrime100Bits;
group = new Zn(q);
BigInteger q = p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(2));
group = new Zn(p);
int t = 9;
int t = 9;
int n = 20;
int n = 20;
random = new Random();
random = new Random();
@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ public class SecretSharingTest {
for (int i = 0 ; i < shares.length ; i++){
for (int i = 0 ; i < shares.length ; i++){
shares[i] = secretSharing.getShare(indexes.remove(random.nextInt(indexes.size())));
shares[i] = secretSharing.getShare(indexes.remove(random.nextInt(indexes.size())));
assert(secret.equals(SecretSharing.recoverSecret(shares,new Z())));
BigInteger calculated = SecretSharing.recoverSecret(shares,new Fp(q));
assert (secret.equals(calculated));
Reference in New Issue